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Everything posted by Krisboats

  1. Well if you really want to look at it ali's post was not aimed at anyone, so not a personal attack. It wasn't insulting and while it might have been a little rude, it was more insensitive than anything. So it only really falls under purposeless and inflammatory. Your post covered each of those bases though. So yeah, you were certainly more "warn worthy" as you put it.
  2. Krisboats


    For a budget of £450 scrap anything made by logitech. It's be pants by comparison to the other stuff you could get. With your size room i'd be looking at a separate amp and speaker set. Bookshelves and amp http://www.richersounds.com/product/bookshelf-speakers/mordaunt-short/aviano-1xr/mord-aviano-1xr-blk http://www.richersounds.com/product/amplifiers-receivers/cambridge-audio/topaz-am10/camb-am10-blk If you REALLY want to fill the room you could spend a bit more on the speakers and get some floorstanders and a bit less on the amp. http://www.richersounds.com/product/floorstanders/wharfedale/diamond-10.4/whar-10.4-blk http://www.richersounds.com/product/amplifiers-receivers/cambridge-audio/topaz-am5/camb-topaz-am5-blk What you realistically want to do is go into your local hi-fi shop and listen to a few different brands. Some speakers sound more bassy, some sound clearer but lacking in bass so you're always better to go in and see what you like the most. Then when you pick a pair you like go online and see if you can get them cheaper.
  3. While ali's statement may have been insensitive, it wasn't aggressive and filled with expletives, unlike yours.
  4. I meant it in the sense that riots are spreading nationwide, not globally.
  5. From the footage i've seen so far that was the most apparent thing was that it's mostly black guys. There was a clip of 30-40 of them running through the street smashing things up . I just can't believe further action isn't being taken already. People are in danger, there's damage on a massive scale and it's clearly sending a message to the rest of the uk that nobody is going to stop this kind of behaviour. I mean, 3 days! It shouldn't have carried on past the end of day one.
  6. Beleive me, matts post wasn't easy to misconstrue. What he wrote before it was edited was very direct and abusive towards a certain member and i think tomm was very reserved not to have sent him on a vacation for it as i know i would have. The first part of bold text in tomms post refers to matt. The second line of bold text refers to everyone else who may not be affected by whats going on so come in here for keyboard warrior points.
  7. Just seen on the BBC website that theres riots breaking out in Birmingham as well now. Its not good.
  8. That is pure f**king awesome.
  9. Aside from men not going through a release of hormones in the same way as women?
  10. Krisboats


    It was more like the denzel washington film 'deja vu' whereby the machine is supposed to only be viewing a previous set of events, however it actually links into the past and by changing what happens in the past opens up for the idea of new realities being put in place according to branching universe theories.
  11. It can dude, the pawls engage at the same time so it's however many teeth there are on the ratchet. I think it is 24 for an XC though.
  12. Sweet, i guess i'll see you later on today then
  13. Cool, cheers dude. I take it you'll be there tomorrow too? EDIT: Toby, i can see you lurking in here. Take the day off work and come along!
  14. The phatworks frame was made in the same workshop as this one The MK.1 phat frame is now sat in my garage too
  15. I'm still looking at going too, though what time i get there will depend on how lazy boumsong is feeling. Can i grab a couple of numbers so we can call if we need to play catch up?
  16. Yep, i told them i hadn't received it and in the same situation as you, i'd sent a message via ebay agiving my address and the address on paypal was accurate. I opened a dispute with the seller through ebay/paypal and because he hadn't sent it to the address on my paypal invoice i was refunded. Don't feel guilty about opening a dispute, if you messaged him with the address it's largely his fault.
  17. Looks awesome dude. You going for a crazy design in the headtube again?
  18. Anders Behring Breivik Supposedly a right wing christian fundamentalist. F**king religion.
  19. Really? I'm really struggling to get into it. The first one was great but this one seems very dumbed down, to the point where the game explains the options on the main menu and won't let you skip the explanation. Are people really that stupid they can't work out what the writing is anymore?
  20. Ah my bad, i meant fatigue as in muscle tiredness.
  21. Bike was in no state to ride Forgot how many things i've been putting off fixing.
  22. Who's going today then? Not 100% i can make it yet, but if i can i'll be there around 12'ish i guess.
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