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Everything posted by Krisboats

  1. It's like posting an image that's already hosted somewhere rather than uploading it to imageshack or a similar site yourself. It means you have no control over the image and someone could put a picture up of a kitten and two days later upload a porno of the same image name instead. Suddenly hundreds of hotlinking little kids are seeing the wrong type of pussy.
  2. Krisboats


    Forgot How much i enjoyed the new thor movie. Some really quite funny bits in it. Onto fast5 tonight, though i think i'll be watching that with the salt tub close to hand
  3. Sounds like the computer your using meets the minimum spec but not the reccomended spec. Unfortunately most developers put a low minimum spec in so they appeal to more customers. Lowest settings usually look like a 90's throwback too, which sucks. Been playing brink for the last hour. Don't like. Played quite a bit of dirt 3 and while getting somewhat repetitive it had some great aspects. The gymkhana stuff and the trail blazer races were great. Latest mortal kombat game was pretty brutal but lost it's appeal after a couple of hours online play with a friend. Campaign seemed to drag a bit too. I'm hoping to be getting dues ex sometime soon as i loved the first one and rather ashamedly i liked invisible war too. Heard good things about this one so keep[ing my fingers crossed.
  4. Type I: (slow twitch) Normally activated at 0-60% maximum strength output. Endurance. Think typical long distance runner build. Smallest of the muscle fibres muscle fibres. These have very little force output capability and very little growth potential. Type IIb (fast twitch) Activated at 60-85% maximum output Largest muscle fibers that cause the largest amount of muscle growth and most amount of force. They are capable of massive force output but fatique quickly. Sprinters, powerlifters and bodybuilders would have a large number of these fibers. Type IIa Activated at 20-75% of maximum ouput A mix of type I and type II. These fibres are kind of a "best of both" situation in that they are capable of a high force output and are very fatigue resistant. They have the ability to shift between type I and type IIb fibres depending on how they are being stimulated. They are typicall stimulated during high intensity aerobic activites like sprinting or, rather more apropriately for us lot, trials riding. An average person will have an almost equal number of each fiber type in their body. It's still not known for sure whether you can change a fiber from one type to another but current research suggests you can only change the characteristics of a particular fiber. Weird sticking out bits are called the trapezius group or "traps". These are the muscles most exerted when doing your barbell shrugs. Is the moving body part moving by itself or does it move when you poke it? Muscles that are unused to stimulation sometimes spasm a short while afterwards and in doing so will involuntarily contract and relax. It could be this if your not used to doing this particular excercise or if you haven't done it in a while. It could also be that after excercising you've made your nervous system more aware as weight training improves your "mind-muscle" connections. You could be adjusting to something you've never really been aware of before. Or thirdly, you could be a freak and have random muscles walking around under your skin.
  5. Patt donnovan used a hope floating rotor up front for quite a while. Pretty sure he had it for the entire year i lived with him and it was still going when he moved out.
  6. Yep, snapped double and plain guage and several types of dt swiss.
  7. I've snapped sapim spokes.
  8. There's plenty of free parking too if you know where to look
  9. I've ridden derby a few times. It's like 15 minutes away in the car. If you fancy a ride some day fire a pm/make a topic
  10. Krisboats


    I have a nice setup and even then i find it quite hard to tell the difference between flac and 320kbps. Especially if it's a song i haven't heard before. For songs i'm familiar with though i can usually spot an mp3 under 320kbps. Saying that though, i usually find my crappy rear speakers more of a distraction than any difference in bitrate That said, i'd look into new speakers and then slowly update my library once they were in place. Room characteristics will be more noticeable for 99% of people than bitrates yet nobody ever mentions room calibration.
  11. Krisboats


    I love KEF stuff, they sound great with most music types but get a song with an accoustic guitar and nice vocals and it'll make your eyes water. I'd love to jump onto the new q*00 range bandwagon but am left overly uninspired by the cabinets for them. The technology behind the new range is truly phenominal and you can see where the money goes to. I guess i'll be holding out for them to put the same technology into the more fancy enclosures before i pick up something from them. I did ask Ron about this but he was unsure as to when it would be happening. Guess i'll just have to "put up with" my XQ and iq gear for now
  12. Krisboats


    Have a read through this, if you think i'm being hostile i apoligise as it's not my intent. It just gets tiring telling people the same things all the time. http://zhome.com/ZCMnL/PICS/stereo/bosefaq.htm In the proper hifi world, bose speakers don't do bass. You need cone surface area to really throw bass around and bose speakers are generally quite compact. Most people in the hifi world regard an 8" cone as being the starting size for decent bass. I know a homeboy on AVforums though who does bass very, very well. If slightly excessively.
  13. Krisboats


    The guy actually asked for speakers with massive bass, which is something every ipod dock will lack as it doesn't have a dedicated subwoofer component to it. Bose speakers on the whole tend to be more orientated towards midbass and treble, which is why they were a bad suggestion. You gave bad advice, and i called it. I'm awesome, that's why i'm a mod
  14. Krisboats


    So you've visited the bose shop and never seen a marketing campaign by them, did you go round the shop with your eyes closed? At the end of the day you've already admitted to having limited experience with these kind of things. There have been some fantastic speakers named in this thread and some of the most useful advice the guy could get, which is to go listen to a variety of brands for himself. Your advice was limited, biased and misinforming. There's no need to get so defensive, I'm glad your happy with your dock, I really am. I just don't think it's fair to this guy for you to recommend an inferior and expensive product. New speakers always sound great because your ears are usually unaccusomted to hearing better. The only way you learn to differentiate between them is to get your ears used to hearing really amazing speakers (reference level things at several thousand a pair) and then going back to poorer speakers. Your ears are much better at spotting flaws than spotting qualities and you need to educate your ears first. Just to point out as the guy may not realise this but studio monitors are very specific speakers. They're designed for an entirely accruate frequency response (how each note is played in volume and clarity to the next note) so may sound dull or boring to inexperienced ears. To achieve this sound you need to sit at a single point in front of them, so they aren't speakers you can just plonk in a corner to fill the room with sound.
  15. I used to be fine with spicey foods until i started eating vindaloo's once a week while at uni. Can't eat many spicey foods now without having less than delightful mr hankeys the next day. I think drinking a lot of beer has the same effect, but that's generally regarded as being beer shits so i'm fine with that. Also, slightly runny egg whites Looks like old age is starting to set in.
  16. Krisboats


    Why settle for clarity at the expense of volume and bass? There are plenty of other speakers that can manage all three quite happily, usually for cheaper prices too. The pioneer speakers are great value for money, as are manufacturers such as Monitor audio and wharfedale. Given that he stated he wanted something similar to the logitechs i don't understand why people are even talking about sound-docks. Budget sub http://www.hifix.co.uk/sub-woofers/wharfedale/diamond-10.sx.html Ridiculously nice sub http://www.bkelec.com/HiFi/Sub_Woofers/Gemini.htm Nice speakers http://www.hifix.co.uk/Bookshelf-Speakers/wharfedale/diamond-10.1.html http://www.hifix.co.uk/Bookshelf-Speakers/pioneer/cs5070.html Slightly over budget speakers http://www.hifix.co.uk/Bookshelf-Speakers/monitor-audio/bronze-bx1.html Amp My lhttp://www.hifix.co.uk/Hi-Fi-Amps-and-Receivers/pioneer/a209.html Slightly over budget amp http://www.hifix.co.uk/Hi-Fi-Amps-and-Receivers/marantz/pm5004.html That lot will cost between £400-£550 depending on what is chosen/where you buy and will absolutely blow any sound dock or logitech system off the planet. If it were me i'd probably go with the gemini and pioneer speakers/amp. The gemini sub is well regarded as being the best sub in and above it's price range. I still reccomend that you visit a hifi shop and try a few things out to get a feel for what you like. Everyones ears are different after all. As is regurgatated by the brainwashed public by effective marketing. Go to a proper hifi shop, bose kit is never on demo near other demo kit. There is a reason for this Besides, he asked about speakers and you suggested a sound-dock.
  17. Krisboats


    Get out, we're trying to give the guy advice on decent speakers. Bose stuff is only just better than jvc and sony, nowhere near as good as stuff from other manufacturers (KEF, Bowers & wilkins, Klipsch, Marantz, pioneer etc.) yet costs the same price as the better brands.
  18. If you look at the pictures though, he already has the bike.
  19. Nice selective quoting there. This was the part i was referring to. Weight between mods and stocks is somewhat redundant and has been for a while. They're so very similar it isn't fair to generalise in that way any more. With geo being more and more similar nowadays the only thing left is size. Which if you'll read my post again properly, you'll see is what i said.
  20. Krisboats


    Just got back from seeing super 8 this morning. Really enjoyed it. The story was good, the effects were good and the young'uns did a terrific job with regards to the acting. Think i preferred it to transformers.
  21. Its not really to do with weight but the size that makes them easier to throw around. I've briefly tried a brakeless mod but didn't think the geometry was well suited to it. Mod bikes generally have quite narrow margins with regards to balance points, removing the brakes seems to make those margins much easier to miss compared to say a lower bb 24"/stock where you would have more room to play with before looping out.
  22. Croyden streets as of 30 mins ago apparently. Also, How f**ked up can people be. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsRwwQJdKjE&feature=player_embedded
  23. I don't even really know what to say to that. My heart really goes out to you both.
  24. I'm not taking sides here. I merely explained a moderating decision to someone else who asked about it. But you then come in mouthing off again, which is odd as you apparently don't care. Anyways... back on topic to the riots. Any more abuse towards other members, inflammatory posts and insensitive jokes about all this (made by any member) will be deleted and that person will be off the forum for a couple of days.
  25. So stop posting about it then?
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