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Everything posted by Krisboats

  1. I actually saw one of these in loughborough the other day. Almost got hit by a car as i was too busy looking at how horrendous it is.
  2. I found this out the other day when looking at acrylic fish tanks and reading about how the acrylic swells over time as the water is absorbed. Wondered if the same might be happening in my magura and now i know. Cheers ads! Apparantly cell cast acrylic is supposed to be the best in terms of minimal water retention. Might be worth noting if ever anyone makes a water bleed specific trials brake or piston upgrades
  3. It doesn't have to be a wire, there have been cases of iron in tattoos being heated and burning the patient. The metal gets hot enough to burn the skin akin to a soldering iron burn. Whilst it's not as severe as having the metal ripped entirely out, it's not exactly a minor issue and i'd be surprised if a drill bit would pass the all clear for an MRI screening.
  4. No, it's because metal heats up within the machine to the point where it can burn the patient severely. Even makeup must be taken off because the metal particles in the powder can be heated and burn the skin and eyes. Medical metalwork is usually fine, but a drill bit?
  5. That's not to say he won't in the future. What if he needs an MRI? If he's paid to have something done and now he needs to pay to have it corrected then there would be grounds to cover the costs of one or both procedures plus any time he has to give up in order to get it corrected. To be honest though matt, most people on trials-forum cannot give you the specifics of liability in this case. Morally speaking though, i'd get it fixed and bill him. I'd do it with butchered dry cleaning, a rubbish repair on my car or someone decorating the house. Just because it's a "medical complication" doesn't make it any different.
  6. Yes, for sure. Leaving a piece of machinery inside someones body after an operation is a big thing to do, it's negligence and if he hasn't taken it out (can't see how he wouldn't notice it snapping) then it may be he's left it there so he didn't have to tell you what happened. From your post it doesn't say whether he told you or not but imagine if he/she does it again but with something more serious or when treating a child. If it's negligence it can't be ignored and if it's causing you problems then you deserve to be compensated, at the very least for the amount you paid for the procedure.
  7. Krisboats

    Broken Bonez

    Get a power ball and go for the world record!
  8. My brakes had water in it for 10 times longer than you've been riding.
  9. He seems to have his technique pretty much spot on. Like everyone else has said he's going to do well in this, a british hermance maybe I also love that every time i've met him he's been quiet and polite, not some ego-tard like a lot of others would be with the results he's getting. While the video didn't do much for me (comp videos rarely do) i'd love to see a vid of him messing around on some rocks before/after a comp.
  10. I get that you're pleased with it and if it's free even better, but if someone else read this thread and ended up buying one they'd most likely find it massively limited. I bought from trials-uk once and whilst that met my needs, people who know better would probably chip in if i recommended them on here.
  11. The chap on the stock needs to have a bit more faith in himself. When he made it he made it easily, could have gone a lot higher. The other times his foot was off the pedals before he was anywhere close!
  12. Do you have lock on grips currently and wan the end pieces? If so superstar components do them dead cheap with free delivery. If you have standard grips, just buy a 50p can of hairspray and spray it under the grips. Slide the grips onto the bars, leave it to dry and your done. Won't budge at all!
  13. If you're competant with a grinder/hacksaw you can make one using a washer with a 10mm centre hole. Or even do as i did and find a random bit of metal and cut it to shape. Mine was just a 5mm piece of steel.
  14. Why would you want to? I assume your only copy of music files isn't on your iphone. Nobody should be stupid enough to buy airport speakers so it serves no purpose really. Though if you really want iphone integration you can use the iphone as a touch remote to flick through menu's etc on xbmc The appletv is largely an expensive paperweight. Won't play HD without a load of pissing about, no internal storage should you want to take just the one box over to a mates house, no episode guides or advanced listing features, mediocre menu and general GUI system. For the price there are much better products out there. It's just behind the times. Sure you may be happy with the appletv now, but when faster broadband and HD everything becomes standard your product is going to fall behind, where as similar models will be capable for years to come. I won't even go into the limited range RGB output colour channels as opposed to the full spectrum which is the normal standard. Oh yeah, did i mention it won't do 1080p?
  15. Have you read the manual? I thought the samsung DLNA file sharing system requires samsungs own software on a computer running a sort of TVersity type setup? My 7 series does. The samsung tv is .mkv compatible though. Aint no crapple box gonna play those without a load of arse ache in terms of converting them to .mp4. Lack of internal storage sucks balls too. Should have bought a Revo and installed XBMC on it with Aeon Mq2.
  16. Yeah, you said numbers represent numbers. 1=1 2=2 3=3 etc
  17. I'd imagine most people get that to be fair
  18. No you don't You can incorporate a spellchecker/dictionary into most search engines.
  19. Loughborough Would probably be able to get a few locals out, fatmike, steve-o, patt donnovan, andy walker, boumsong etc.
  20. Whilst being informative (past the mumbling and stuttering) the actual technique they show is one i would never recommend that people use. You only need to skim the rim to roughen up the surface, sliding it back and forth takes off far more material than is actually neccessary and i've always found these type of grinds to wear down a lot quicker. There is a full wiki article on grinding rims here. With further demo videos here and here.
  21. There shouldn't be any air inside the brake. Just becuase water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen molecules doesn't mean it has any more/ less "air" in than oil. If you're bleeding both properly any air pockets should be allowed to dissipate from the fluid before bleeding by leaving the fluid to stand or flicking the syringe and holding the syringe nozzle pointing upwards. You will not notice any compression difference between fluids before you've taken out variables such as pad density, frame flex, bolt flex and lever flex. You will however notice a difference in the return rate of the lever when you run a magura with water as opposed to oil. Water has a lower viscosity than oil so is generally said to be "snappier", "faster" or "more responsive" when used in a brake. To see what i mean take a look at this image and imagine these being the fluids inside your brake. Water would be the top fluid and oil would be the bottom fluid. Watch how each react when an object is dropped into them. The top fluid (lets say water in this case) would move through the pistons/hoses much easier than oil, making the magura feel altogether better in every way. After a time water can lead to the pistons losing free movement due to a lack of lubrication. A drop of finish line wet lube or similar thick oil on the piston seals will sort this problem in just a few minutes and will revitalise an old, tired, water bled brake.
  22. At that sort of distance i would imagine on the majority of frames the extra length would be offset by the extra height of the mounting position. Might not be true for super low clearance frames though.
  23. Meh, the myans had to have gotten bored at some point. If i'd just done two thousand years of stuff and started working towards 3000 i'd probably have given up in the first 10-20 years of 2000 as well.
  24. Oh matt, don't go in the army, stay behind and let me send you those books!
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