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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. top pull there is no hope of getting that to work well unfortunatley
  2. not to mention those springs are turd
  4. good stuff man, you're a pretty boy, oh yes you are, yes you are
  5. looking good man that brake stiff by any chance
  6. orchid bmx riding shoes, the soul pattern is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazingly grippy on pedals. only 30 quid at the www.sourcebmx.com look awesome too!
  7. not really worth the money over a screw on hub with an acs or tensile freehweel?
  8. janson, how much more noticeable are the 72 engagements over an acs claw? does it feel more solid or anything?
  9. stratfords near london my geography is shite just incase there are 2 stratfords, i'm talking about upon avon. shakspear birthplace etc
  10. you get to a stage where you have to change your technique to get higher, its a c*nt.
  11. hey, i have family in stratford, so there is a high possibility that i will be up in the near future. anyone riding there?
  12. what you mgith want to try for a short term solution, is putting somthing that will increase friction on your rim. tar or shit shifter, somthing like that. only untill you get better pads though.
  13. my acs claw on dmr revolver has skipped twice in all the time i'v had it, on the back freewheels are super reliable, soon to be upgraded to a tensile freewheel for those extra engagement points . think it only skipped after i pressure washed my bike put some wd40 in there and its cushty again now
  14. for bmx yes, for trials the engagement wont be quick enough.
  15. make sure your pads are setup square to the rim. give yourself a grind, get some better pads.
  16. well, made me laugh a little more than that cartoon did.
  17. you cant run them with a freewheel
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