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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. dont worry, last time i went to a hospital i had a german woman with a tash fiddle with my broken finger
  2. haha, i hope this is a joke
  3. why not just have a welshside ride a northern ride a southerners ride and a scottish ride?
  4. so glad i didnt get the rex off him before christmas cheers for the heads up gaz
  5. if i dont ride for a week, i'll go crazy. riding comes before pretty much everything else unfortunatley that includes jobs, working, etc.
  6. http://www.mutinybikes.com/ ok, as a rule, if you enter, you must post the vid of yourself here first
  7. well congrats for producing alot of bull!! 1stley, 4130 is a high quality material that all top end bmx frames and some steel trials bikes are made of. its not pig iron you idiot. 2ndley, all metals go white at the neds if they snap, i snapped my old shite bmx frame, the places where it went were white. i snapped a stainless steel knife blade yesterday, the tip of the break was white.
  8. a better one was the pic prawn posted of bigman "pitching a tent" in a sleeping bag
  9. you should probably put 8 pallets to backwheel no tap vid up luke. not the "ickle" drop
  10. my pro 2 rocks my socks off! its amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. as for rims, dx32
  11. i'm in mid wales, but can come over to aber probably. watch out in blaneu. its dodgy as fook.
  12. dont use it as fast as you can slower speeds makes for harsher grinds
  13. just got back!! looked like the people competing were having fun! looked slippery as a greased eel, mind. after the comp few of us had a little "snatural" ride in aber. was mcfunking good fun
  14. if its alu then i'm afraid he cant. i thopught all revels were steel
  15. iolo will reweld it for you, at a well beter price than anyone else too.
  16. lmfao, that was the reason for it pic incoming. cam ran out of battery, cant get it propperey cos its round anyway, tasty meal to look forward too
  17. how about your custom geo, and colour of frame? http://www.iolobikes.com verry competative pricing too
  18. ummm, take a link out? then just use the mech to take the little last bit of slack up. whats the length like at the mo?
  19. death grips start off pretty thick but they seam to pack down and mold to your hand, my ones are awesome!!! because of the grip pattern you still have a good hold on the bar with sweaty hands or when the pesky rain just wont stop wetting them
  20. h5n1 ???? why not give it a really cool/nasty sounding name like rincspastinox
  21. my 6ft b6ft shed that has 5 bikes in it and the surrounding area around there
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