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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. you know your in italy when the inbred locals are chasing a german family through the streets with fists
  2. ffs change the titles of the happy and angry thread to "positive feelings thread" and "negative feelings thread"cos thats basicaly what they are already.
  3. ye, we dont care if noone else comes we'll be there.
  4. pauls wheelbuilds are the best pics to follow, probably tomorow.
  5. sprung tensioners are much better. FATC. they only put the needed amount of stress on a chain, never any more. if you go to bash with a sprung tensioner it moves then moves back(withought having to retighten) but with fixed jobbies you end up making your tensioner slip or putting massive ammounts of pressure on your chainring and hub. sure sprungs more pricey, but thats because they're much better.
  6. try all bars are so bad even the koxx team riders wont use them.
  7. someone left a cinnamon stick in my curry i nearley died.
  8. i cant get to the dudno, its another 90miles ontop
  9. funnel cake. i was sick, everywhere.
  10. its a fecking beast, best hub evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssss, seals on the drive side arnt up to much but apart from that f**king ace!!!!!!
  11. i put a middleburn chainring on backwards bvecause that way the kmc chain didnt rub. unfortunatley it means because there was less thread in the bash all of them stripped and now i'm goan have to drill and use bolts
  12. howdy peeps. i'm meeting up with iolo this wednesday in aber. so far its me him and "ilukee", rider of 2 weeks. if any of the "north wales crue", "south wales maaaaaaaaaaasiiiiiiiiifeeeeeeeeeee" or even people from further away fancy coming that'd be cool. i think dave kerrs coming, need to confirm. anyway, hope to see you there. mat.
  13. bet you all wish you could use mavics
  14. grind+koxx bloxx or an avid front disk.
  15. my sister has it, to be honest she doesnt take care of it at all, she eats what she wants when she wants and injects if she remembers. she is such a tool.
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