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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. this much better man, that bike (chris' revell) looks sweet.
  2. thats bull, i have a hot curry, in the morning i have fire shit, it takes like 12 hours for somting to go from mouth to arse. somthings going on there.
  3. i think this is the question on everyones mind where the f**k does his shit go?
  4. propperley maintaned kings do skip. FACT!
  5. see, look, he has it! i can i just choose not to
  6. work on your insulting will starting with things like dont appologise see watch this. anzo, you are a cock shaft. now you try will much love. edit, i couldnt really say "matt, your a cock shaft" as the insult because my name is matt too! so someone would have said in a witty way "i know you are hahahahahaha"
  7. it was more i just killed the axles no joke. 3 pieces
  8. in the future we will evolve wings.
  9. not bad guys, you got a tripod i guess what cam is it?
  10. nice, white tyres needed.
  11. smashed 2 rear and 3 front deores dirt jumping.
  12. you f**king hypocrit!!
  13. i think the idea was to make the pics so big we couldnt see all the componants at once nice bike though, i love those aortas, especially the stock
  14. no matter what you believe, billiam gaters must do some r&d or he wouldnt be where he is today, so it is highly likley a multimillion pound organisation developed somthing before a small programming company(i assume mozila is small in comparison)
  15. its street for microsoft so i am told. so mac users can type quicker to make up for the time they wasted trying to find the f**king browser stupid mac unusable opperating system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. simple bike for a simple guy
  17. big mammoth fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ace rims!!!!!!
  18. the drink tally was 2 20 packs and vodka that was just me. other assorted goodies too
  19. i think my hopes skipped about 3 times tops and i'v had it 2 months. also, tomm. if a king skips its going to damage itself just as much as a ratchet hub is, if not more because it'll skip further.
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