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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. --> QUOTE(danny B @ May 4 2006, 01:42 PM) ← oooo philly i want you long time baby wheres the smiley for men givin it each other hahahaha oh dear
  2. my coust pads in v backings really really are really really good. loud as fook though works for scaring off dogs who want to bite you
  3. i f**king love those bikes!! iron horses rock!
  4. he put em in all spack handed, the hub still didnt skip even with chunks of bearing in the driveshell, cant say a king would work in that situation.
  5. potentually stolen, anyone reported to ebay?
  6. i think you'll find if you drink enough you'll sleep till 5 and your body will have dealt with the worst then you wake up with a dry dry mouth. just drink 3 pints of water before you go to bed!
  7. so let me get this straight, you spend 150 quid on booze, for youself? and you're not dead??
  8. ye, its amazing you need a 100 quid upgrade straight away for a better axle and amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing you have to wait months for spares, really really amazing.
  9. the bb rise is +30?? looks more like 10 or 15, might just be my spaz eyes though. looks nice.
  10. although i dont think there has ever been a fist fight over who runs what on a trials group ride mark
  11. i think you mean "A BIG PHONY!"
  12. just get some balls, get some calluses. just waiting for all you girls to go euuuurrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg oooooooooooh and you get to see my broken finger didnt quite set straight!!
  13. the pic of you gapping, i hope you gapped back up. am i still confusing everyone?
  14. quote name='pissin_on_the_fence' date='May 2 2006, 04:44 PM' post='937141'] you sound like the people who i rode with yesterday them : lets build a section with all these pallets an blah blah blah me : or we could just grab that thing over there an gap to it them : ...... ok then so was nicknamed a simple-tonian and a tar - ponian because i know where to get the cheap food in the area :$ lol
  15. it was fun caling each other names but the actual topic was shit i hope he got a warn for spam!
  16. i think it was a bit more recent if you ask me
  17. is it only me who cant make any sence of that?
  18. bump for the owner of this bike.
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