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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. his spec sats a t rex. no you heat treat the entire frame.
  2. hey, me and luke(possibly mark if he gets his shit together ) will be coming to swansea on thursday AKA tomorow. anyone want to join us?
  3. come to swansea this thursday OK. to clear some things up. i got that frame for 3 reasons: one, because i needed a frame for a bit for when i sent iolo my curtis to have 4 bolt mounts brazed on but now i'v discovered 4 bolts are still shit. two, because i was curious to see what all the fuss was about. not really to follow the trend. three, it was a good price. anyway, when i was taking apart my curtis to put all the bits on the ashton i discovered a nice little crack under the headtube. so i'll see if iolo fancies doing that instead because quite frankley i think the chances of curtis doing it are slim to none. OH!! also at the same time found a crack in the leg of my echo pures just above the magy mount. SUCKS TO BE ME!!!!
  4. i'm siure you have more than that?? maybe 2 of some frames
  5. so what was the point of being a twat to 2 people in the first place?? Oh ye, there wasnt one
  6. f**k off, with that weight on there my front wheel would plow a furrow as it went along!!!
  8. it must do, the lead singer of A7X cant scream anymore because he screamed so much it fooked his throat.
  9. it will with an evo mount, but to be honest your better off getting some decent pads and sticking with the v.
  10. shite loads. on the rear of my bike, my v brake dominates.
  11. it weakens your rim considerabley compared to how much weight is lost.
  12. the smart head on ems pretty swish too
  13. who could resist a face like that?
  14. haha, was about to say "what about my shitmano (snappy axle) die-whore"
  15. i thought it was rider mike jones with the soundtrack that kept saying mike jones in it for cool factor
  16. mike jones is the guy with the bad ass soundtrack wasnt he? can you remeber the suspect lyrics?
  17. oooooooooooh just wait till the first set of bearings in that die! its all downhill from there
  18. what you getting instead of the ffw JT?
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