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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. its coming out, minus the dropped stays
  2. lookn good mark, riding tomorow then since you're all worked up tonight? that mini is "borrowed" from a mate who made it in school and never ever picked it up. "i will one day" to quote him.
  3. i wonder if this guy is pete wright avec le new user name?
  4. high bb long shit, or high bb short shit. what a choice
  6. koxx blatentley coppied iolo with that demonboy frame KOXX YOU PHONIES!!!
  7. they have the jaged edges like the bb if you see what i mean. a joy to hit your knee on.
  8. yer, it would. it'd be pretty rad though
  9. bear in mind. one of the people that regularley comes into the bikeshooop where i work(downhiller) bought some of those pedals about 2 weeks ago. whilst servicing his bike the other day we noticed a fair ammount of play in them. bit shit for the money.
  10. shake up a half full dneted bottle of coke, all the dents pop back out. with a frame that'd be cool to watch
  11. the bb with the threads cut off and diferent bearings plonked in.
  12. had a bad day by the look of the tear on your leg
  13. thats because you dig that kinda shit. lets face it. im as gay as the day is long.
  14. davetrials could use one. after all that denting just shove 100psi in it so it returns to its original shape
  15. could organise on ein each capital? that'd be cooool. speedtrials is so much more fun to watch.
  16. urban speed trials with cars and pallets and cotton reels and things. that would be amazing in the center of cardiff/london/anywhere.
  17. no way, completley 50 50 . new school *** who wants crap parts and geo ?
  18. wider bars might help. somthing like the onza cafbon 30 incher risers would give a trialsy feel.
  19. get a propper photo of the caaaarnage gay boy.
  20. someones replaced your functional rear mech with a crappy(but oh so trendy) fixed trensioner!! only joking steve. love it really.
  21. he wants to know about the other bit of his question, tard. primer primer paint paint paint laquer key down laguer key down laquer key down laquer. pretty much it.
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