oh my god i'm not actually drunk anymore but i had a pretty awesome/terrifying night. basically. went to a mates house party. had loads of beers, chatted to people etc. later on we went for a walk and we saw this trampoline on a green i said "who owns that?" my mate replies "i think its a community trampoline" so i said "cool lets have a jump on it later" and that was that. later on we were even more drunkend and someone suggfested we should go to the tramp and have a bounce. we were all well up for this so we went. after about 5 mins of bouncing we heard this noise then a big f**k off flash light came on and this guy ran at us with a baseball bat, he smacked it on the trampoline frame to scare us then shouted "c'mon you spinless c**ts" needless to say we all f**king legged it. he chased us off the green catching one of us on the arse with the bat. i dived oveer the fence next to the gate and landed on my knees scrambled to my feet and sprinted the 1/4mile back to my mates house. we got back to his at 1ish. we thought this was scary but funny so we wernt really bothered. later on we decided to walk home (approx 3.30 int morning), its about 4 miles to our houses but in a drunken stupor and kitted up with beer jackets we thought it'd be cool. we got about a hundrend yardds from my mates house when one of the guys i was walking with needed a slash, so he stopped against a fence whilst we carried on walking. we could see headlights coming along the road and one of us dsaid "lets hitch" so he stucvk his thumb out and the car slowed down. it had basically stopped next to my friend who was pissing but before it had stopped completley the guy with the f**king baseball bat jumped out!!! he shouted at us "get here you f**king c**ts!!!" and chased us into a nearby estate. at this point we were shitting ourselves as he obviously intended to beat us. we were walking through the estate kinda trying to find a way home when we hear somthing behind us, we turn around and its the f**king car!! (how deaf are we) it turns the full beams on and the guy steps on the gas. we leg it again (people who know me will know how much i hate running) this time going down a little side ally inbetween a barbed wire fence and the edge of someones garden. i got snagged on the barbedwire and cut myself at the end of the path was a style, we jumped it and ended up on the railway lines. we all split and hid in various places arounds the track and as faras we could hear he hadnt come over. so we lay there for a bit untill he went..... we heard the car pull away and got up. we all found each other in the pitch black. we walked along the railway line untill we got home. what a f**king mad night. howeveeer. much funnies.