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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. live crickets, lousts, wax moth larvae etc.
  2. do you actually ride that? i have the feeling its kept in a glass cabinet with atmospheric lighting.
  3. they're insane powerfull. getting one of those for the rear of my dirt bike off my mate.
  4. you could have my leopard gecko for a bit if you wanted luke. just to see if you have the time to handle and feed it every day. just make sure: A it does get fed . B you dont kill it like your last one.
  5. edd potts makes a cool intergrated booster/adaptor. wasnt a bad price and its mega stiff! 10mm thick alu!
  6. DA DA DADA DDADA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA only tensioner you will ever need.
  7. easyexotics.com then on to their sub-site easy reptiles.
  8. my front avidf 203 is crazy poertaastic. i recom it wiould be nicveand grabby on't back. on;y thing thaa could put me off is tha disk getting destroyedf.
  9. i belive i have, itys all green and sticky. "im" jokes. i habte em unless i'm "in" i reconm i'll give it 8 ,omnths. to be fair all the elds are toop notch and the finishi was good apart from paint in the 4bolt muntd.# ved time bithces!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. denied! u plauyed shit allll the w way throigh so you dont deserve to win. hahhahahahahahahahaqhah DENIED!!1""!!!"""£$£"$£"$$£""£$£$%
  11. 1pond a pint of stella and i'm f**king trashedddddddd many happy returnds to gingr mofo, it was hif mo 'f**kin bifday american girl on't xscp;ool exchange . cant imagine that veing bad. much drfunkensness.
  12. its pretty long bro, just the angle makes it look el'shorto.
  13. nah, all the welds were original and if they wernt i wasnt told. they all look neat and factory-like.
  14. yer, the sliver one has an evil streak. hung it up. turned around and it fell onto my head sharp bb/seattube bit first!
  15. nope he had an uuuuuuugaaaaaaleeeeee black one. ;p i joke, i joke. all ashtons look good
  16. OH NOES I SNAPPED MY FRAME!!!!!!!!!!!! well and truely gone. so.......... whats this? hmmmmmmmmm and............. YUMAAAAAA hope you like it.
  17. just thought one of their riders might want a frame with decent, recent geo.
  18. are monty doing as many compnies do and riding a frame stickered as theirs but not theirs if you get me?
  19. my rabbit jumped from static over my dads shoulder. he's 6ft but was crouching over it so lets say 4ft5inches
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