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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. i'll start downloading this now. my flat mate just got some new d+b and dubstep tunes and a djm500 its luuuuuushhhhhh.
  2. when a kid peed on the ramp and we chased him down and made him clean it up with his shirt.
  3. i'd recomend those coust pads for a v, mine was loud(honky) and extremely grabby on a sharp light grind didnt lack hold either.
  4. mat hudson

    Dread Locks

    well as long as you're sure you'll suit a skinhead
  5. i snapped my acl september time last year, got my op in april for a reconstruction. after initially snapping it my knee has dislocated at least 5 times. its really weak, i've even dislocated it slipping on a polished floor. its hard to convey how painful it is to re dislocate it. by the sounds of it, it has snapped again. anyway, hope yoiu get it sorted.
  6. mat hudson

    Dread Locks

    i dont think you could hack dreads, they hurt
  7. see all you guys in bristol, i hope to be riding, i've gots clicky knee problems though.
  8. i've had a rohloff (sp) tensioner for a while, given it loadsa wacks and its still spot on! couldnt ask for anything more really. http://www.rohloff.de/en/products/speedhub/chain_tensioner/ HOW OLD IS THIS THREAD???!
  9. sounds like a winner. the oddy linears near perfect, cheap and lasts forever so its pretty hard to beat it really.
  10. llandudno in north wales is the only place i've been with chavs stupid enough to shout "oi you!!! STOP!!! i'm gonna nick your bike!"
  11. i'll try get my well rough but listenable dubstep mix up poop i cant find any memory thingy to take it from my pc to this one
  12. definately pop down if you fncy it, i'll have to get your mobile number sharpish though i'm moving in tomorrow! sounds like bt would be the way to go then, i'll check em out. cheers guys.
  13. for a while now i've seen religion as something that started off with good intentions, maybe as rough guidelines to live your life by turn into somehting that is used as an excuse to kill people. sure, some good comes of it but i could never be part of something responsible for so many deaths.
  14. such a horrible thing to happen to someone so young. i hate hearing about things like this, makes me feel sick to think your friends could be here one day and gone forever the next. i hope his mum and firends are ok. r.i.p
  15. mum gets a book of some sort, dad gets a puzzle of some sort.
  16. hi, i'm moving out of my family home and into a flat at the end of this week. i've got a few questions about getting an internet connection. i really dont have a clue what to do concerning it. do i have to pay line rental or for aything else other than my monthly pament to my service provider? who do i go through if i do need to? also what is the best value for money package? a quick google came up with http://www.top10-broadband.co.uk/types/cheap-broadband/ are they any good? if someone could tell me everything i could possibly need to pay for and how much it'd cost that'd be wicked. oh and i dont really want to be stuck into a long contract because that'd suck! i'm sorry i feel like a bit of a retard haha. cheers. p.s this now means anyone wanting to come to mid wales can stay over any time providing they arnt a registered sex offender. (gutted joe)
  17. i've had no problems with vista as of yet apart from it doenst want to run older games which is to be expected i guess. it hasnt even crashed yet and i've had it since april.
  18. i'm getting a whole load of new filthy acid tech for christmas, i'll put a mix up soon. how do you put mixes onto your computer, do you send the signal hat would usually go to amp from mixer into the "line in" on the pc? oh and what do you use for your mixes? acidpro?
  19. one off onza frame. looks alright, shme about the rank parts.
  20. where be these sloped walls then? anybody need to borrow anything for the ride?
  21. dont really know where to post this but i guess this is the best place?? i'm in london this weekend, (not for a ride although i might be up for coming along and manning a camera or something. i have knee trouble:()from friday till monday. always up for meeting new people from tf so if you're planning on getting wrecked or something, gimme a shout. i'm going to university of dub on friday, ther's an amazing lineup so come along and i'll see you there. oh if you want to do something i'll message you my number.
  22. post a pic of the muntest girl you know on myspace. they must be your friend is the only rule. nasty eh?
  23. new car and some big speakers to go in it
  24. mum sends stripper into her sons school class
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