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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. natty in the winter, street in the summer.
  2. shit!! that bike is masive, that guy standing next to it is 6"4' if you didnt already know. oh, and denied clive
  3. when in doubt.............. smother it in tar.
  4. is it black on the rim too? i used to get it from riding wet natty.
  5. its like looking at the sun. it burns your eyes to look at it, but somehow you just keep wanting to do it. or is that just me? anyway, what i was getting at, is that i have crapped out better looking frame designs than that.
  6. chain protector block? is that a mod thing?
  7. i was thinking about it, ust have to helicoil the crank.
  8. freewheel remover bolted to the hub. works like a charm. alternative meathod (i did this after delacing my wheel (non drive side) and forgetting about the driveside) remove lockring (smash with hammer and punch ) take everything off the freewheel. now you can lace your wheel up. whenm its done, clamp it in the vice, turn wheel.
  9. silly question, you hat got a 9spd kool have you?
  10. mat hudson

    Koxx Team

    the gash graphics and shit (for anything but dropgaps) geo.
  11. mat hudson

    Koxx Team

    zona rides way better.
  12. so is the reggie better? i thought damon was using a ronnie and not destroying it
  13. mat hudson

    Koxx Team

    its pretty obviose koxx arn't trreating kenny in a way he's happy with though, wayne. kenny for iolobikes!!!!!
  14. get the 8inch hayes, they're good. it'll just be the shitty cable and lever his comuter has that makes it feel crap.
  15. more shit comes out his mouth than his arse sometimes.
  16. you sure you own it and dont just work there.
  17. they last great on the bacck my last one was like a year old all in all.
  18. have you headbutted any germans latley?
  19. (*whispers* he thinks he owns a shop, in his own mind somwhere)
  20. what do you mean? boris johnson is the only person chuck norris is scared of. borris johnson once threw one of the rings of saturn at the sun, because he thought it might have looked at him funny.
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