to be honest. if you're thinking of the xc you may as well pay the extra few quid and get a pro2 front hub. they're a bit lighter and stronger. up to you really.
nah, i like books because the topic is usually interesting. and wayne. my irony buzzer always goes off when you call people arrogant wankers nah,you're sound guy
since the 13th of january. thats like 6 or 7 months i think. not too bad for the time i've been riding. eveeerythings up and around 30 inches-ish now gapping could be beter i gess 7fts probably the best i've got, thats from power, not technique
ah, so maybe my next rear tyre than. i just heard they wernt that grippy, punctured and pinched alot and tore. but i guess thats the price you pay for having bluddy light tyres.
nice man, whats the weight on that? still there with the pinkness how do you find the khe tyres? or are they a new addition for when you're fit to ride again?
whats wrong with posts that are short and to the point? am i missing somthing here? i REALLY cant be assed reading 90% of these massive works of literature.