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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. depends if you want to have a mega high bb. ashton, zona zenith, t rex?.
  2. an adult chit chat.... sounds like a good idea
  3. yer, my tendency to buy 15quid bottles of whiskey and drink them in a night stands me in good stead for pwning him on the drunkness.. even if he is in uni now
  4. you pretty much have the toughest tyres money can buy. maxxis dh casing is mad tough.
  5. ok time to mass email them about how its not a bmx AT ALL!
  6. mark hardly ever got propperly wasted. infact i've never seen him that drunk. or maybe i just cant remember.
  7. nah. but he was still wrong not enough mass or speed LOL not to mention one side of the braing race is fixed to the inside shell and the other is fixed to the outside shell so only one bit will spin, so the greese wont really be flung to the outside. nevermind, it was funny, i want that video. and yer, he'll be back soon, you cant keep that good for nothing s.o.b. away.
  8. his mum knows the persons who works in the cafeteria's daughters cousins son.
  9. he even knows that grease get flung out of freewheels by gyroscopic forces.
  10. 'tard? of course it will and v brakes rock.
  11. nah, really he isnt. he's what pulled our pub quiz through with 2 didgit scores(yes we were really that bad). you've never met him so stfu.
  12. it was alans idea, sorry marky. has tf become a more harmonious place since obm has stopped posting due to lack of interet connection???? well.... has it?
  13. www.urbandictionary.com i usually just say no. unless i know their a stupid fanny, then you can take the piss a bit.
  14. mat hudson

    Poor Benito

    its a broken arm, oh noes or am i missing somthing. aaaaaaaaaaaaah i get it, camels dont have arms so its ironic or somthing.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZXEPQUICD gayest thing ever.... but the addition of fire makes it cool lol
  16. give it like 4 months and you'll want to go back, TRUST! i wanted to go back, so i did.
  17. Matthew was arrested for his politically maladroit actions and sent back to Dublin.
  18. well, to be honest its not gonna do that much bad, is it? its not in a high stress area. aslong as you hve tyre clearence it'll be fine
  19. i have noticed a direct corrilation in the amout of bt frames around to the amount of Polish in our town.
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