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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. riiiiiiigggggggghtttttttt, heres the deal guythssssss. in january some time i am thinking of organising an indoor jam followed by drinking and bands, you could stay over at the hall the gig + jam will happen in, i will need an idea of numbers so if you would like to come please say. there will be a small entry fee, yet to be confirmed as i will have a look at costs + numbers, only looking to break even really as i'd rather you guys had to pay less. the event will be held in Llandrindod Wells in deapest, darkest mid wales. SO, WHO WOULD BE INTERESTED? also, if you know of any bands that would like to play, just say
  2. mark westlake is gayer than the honey monster
  3. shall we spam the fanny out of that site?
  4. ali c iolo partz will ducko other assorted n wales riders prawn bigman jt paul oliver ashton most people really
  5. i took so long to rad that there better be a f**king ending.
  6. nah i'm the guy laughing like a twat on the right haha tarty bikes t shirt REP thats what you get for challenging me to a drinking contest btw
  7. jt, imagine you are standing on the side of a treadmill with a pram. you push the pram along the tredmill from the side. if the treadmill stopped would speed up? no! you wouldnt! the thrust for the pram isnt coming from the wheels so it just isnt effected. same with the plane.
  8. but it wont be, jt, because the drive isnt delivered through the wheels. the engines push the air and the air is not effected by the treadmill.
  9. mat hudson

    Tf Makeover

    lighter skin, so mchbetter. number 8 on there is fine.
  10. hahaha, wasnt it french women that had the 1 armpit shaved one hairy
  11. mat™ says: harsh first bail http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=87291 says: yer mat™ says: good shit mat™ says: you have an odd style mat™ says: but some of the moves are wel good http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=87291 says: comment http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=87291 says: in thread
  12. yer, the red one would be fine, its still WELL harcore compared to the acs, it just has less engagement points. you shouldnt be dissapointed by it.
  13. i used an acs and it was pretty good to be honest, skipped maybe once in 6 months,that was it. i have an eno now, 72 clicks and its a f**king beast i tell theeee!!
  14. who have you been talking to? the new ashtons are super strong and ride so well!!
  15. is it a wiggle pit or something wierd?
  16. that first pics spot on mark! looks really f**kin good! others are also exxxcellent
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