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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. lo prior to mark interaction i wasa sti;l mega hapy come to msn gay boy
  2. i wanna fuk all of you. i am so happy
  3. he cant spell in his sig, i love him for that.
  4. i like him i think he knows paul oliver, good enough for me.
  5. neither are you funnily enough, perhaps what joe should have said was: "there are approx 10,0000,0000000000000 topics on waterbleeds, surely one would show up on the search or even the fact that there are topics on water bleeds would give the fact that people bleed with water away." still, he had a valid point whereas you don't. you can bleed with water but add some antifreeze, especially for this time of year.
  6. obm loves you shouting HYMAN JUICE!! when he's going for a hop, really loudly.
  7. mat hudson


    lol my shirt says OWIE in that. just noticed.
  8. mat hudson


    fukin hell you guys suck (not joe) cheers for the pic prawn
  9. mat hudson


    was it f**k ben, you little cum gullet. ahhhhhhhhhh
  10. mat hudson


    sreadng through this thread is well funny, epsecially biffs replies haha, get over yourself love! its a bit of fun (H)
  11. was it not you that had that really hot 24? http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/gallery/1122...3_979_97636.jpg it was shut up
  12. he had a hot bike, nicest 24 ever. i love him
  13. i remember in scouts filling one of those up with cow shit and putting it in my mates bag cak in a sack anyone?
  14. oh the other one a tube of bungee cords hahahah WTF
  15. had a few this year. to mention one, a 20 pack of different coloured insulation tape. i have had a new wheel though i guess so i can use green blue red black white or yellow haha.
  16. do i have to do you again now? i love craig, he has a sweet arse hole. anyway, yes i have, its christmas and my relatives sent me beer.
  17. i love craig. even though he's a sound engineer.
  18. merry xmas everyone, hope you all have a really good day may your turkey be a fat motherf**ker.
  19. nice bike, bit cls'y least its a stock, thats a step in the right direction biff jeeze oakly doesnt being a dick ever get old?
  20. http://www.myspace.com/myspaceissupermegagay ther's mine.
  21. dmr revolver cassette? hope xc? deore?
  22. give neil a ring luke, he's mega sound and he'll handle it profesionally. clives a bit of a hot head i think but he's usually a nice enough guy, i cant understand him putting the phone down on you, thats well wierd
  23. ha, thats my bos who put the phone down on you luke. 30 quid is well excessive, i cant understand why you were charged so much
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