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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. no, the idea being you get it nearly touching on the cage when your for example in 1-1 so when you change into a higher gear at the rear you have as much empty cage as possible to change in to. perhaps i explained it badly. surely there is a youtube video tutorial, come to think of it. http://www.parktool.com/blog/repair-help/front-derailleur-adjustments
  2. remove cable from clamp on mech adjust "low" reach adjuster in until inner of the mech cage is almost touching the chain when pedal'd in lowest cog front - biggest cog rear reattach cable making sure it is pretty much as taught as poss shift all the way up adjust "high" reach adjuster so outer mech cage almost touching chain in biggest cog when chain is in smallest cog on back fine tune it with the adjuster on the shifter. also if the shifter doesn't click, it could be that the mechanism inside is a bit sticky so give it a blast through with gt85 whilst shifting up and down. if that doesn't sort it you could have to take it apart and give it a propper clean out. i would advise against this(if you can get away with it) though as they are quite fiddly.
  3. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread744969/pg1 a bit of interesting reading for you guys.
  4. its a fine line though, one i see getting blurred. the riot/protest thing. not so much the looting.
  5. This is very dread () whilst i dont support the actions of deluded youths i also defo dont support the knee jerk reaction of equally deluded plebs like the DICKHEAD Stephen Mains who started this petition. To create a pecedent of cutting support for people who protest is a dangerous thing and could make things very precarious for protesters with legitimate gripes (and there are many!) in the future, cant these simpletons see this is all a mechanism for futher lockdown on our freedoms as a society?
  6. Feed Me ft Tasha Baxter - Cloudburn [WhompRat drumstep edit] free to download from soundcloud that tune is f**king insane, so glad of the free download!
  7. EDIT new link have a listen and let me know what you think.
  8. the ali g one is called chicken dippaz and the second one is Doctor P - Big Boss (Oscillator Z Drumstep Remix)
  9. 170-180 bpm like drum and bass but missing a snare so it sounds like faster dubstep. its really only a sub genre but people these days will categorise anything so it has become its own genre recently.
  10. my blue staffy called..... blue. up for stud if anyone fancies a go ">
  11. i dont mind them, i would have it done myself seams to have become the trend for alot of kids nowadays. they also look pretty mining when you take them out. why not get a brand? interesting fact - a higher percentage of men who have genital piercings stretch them than those who have ear piercings. to that larger percentage i ask... why? what awesome but useless knowledge comes from having a girlfriend who work in a piercing shop.
  12. it all seems pretty hypocritical as well when the government can spend 250 million on a new alternative vote system which is very heavily opposed. why not give that 250 million to the health service instead? http://www.no2av.org/02/why-our-country-cant-afford-have/
  13. i see what you mean with the ema situation, i never got it and my parents certainly didnt pay the difference! but if you look at the grand scheme of things, a much bigger percentage of your tax is being wasted in blowing up the middle east and i don't think anyone still condones that. anyway, back on topic. if i ever get an ongoing condition i'd like to know there is something there for me to fall back on. and i'm quite happy paying taxes to ensure it's there when something does go wrong. imagine not having insurance and breaking your leg or being injured in a car crash and no one doing anything about it. you could be dying and the hospital would just turn you away because you dont have insurance. sounds pretty shit to me.
  14. how do you mean? since most people on benefits are unemployed.
  15. i am interested to see peoples thoughts as this is something that will effect a fair amount of trials riders, seeing as we depend on the nhs to fix us up from time to time. for me this will be the final straw, if the NHS becomes privatised i will be leaving this country as it's probably the only thing its got going for it. its taken so long to create i don't understand why the torys want to destroy it, the same as they are doing with the benefit system. in my opinion all people should be entitled to the same level of care regardless of how much money they earn and all hospitals should have the same funding and equipment (within reason of their location) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-13329031
  16. my girlfriends work mate gets night terrors which sound horrific. according to her boyfriend she wakes up in the middle of the night and starts screaming and pointing like thers someone at the end of the bed or screaming running round the house saying someone's trying to hurt her. once she was stood looking at the door and when he woke up and startled her she started screaming "there's someone outside the door", repeatedly. sounds horrific for her boyfriend. i'd shit my pants every time it happened. had a wierd dream last night. dreamt i moved to a bungalow ontop of a massive stupidly steep hill in the middle of a lake in scotland and all the other inhabitants of the island were weird as f**k inbred hik types. wierd dream, nice house though.
  17. the bin ladens family and the bush family have been good friends for years before 9-11 (if you dont believe me look it up, its well documented) i doubt he will have been killed to tell you the truth, he was only a scapegoat in the first place anyway. ahaha http://www.facebook.com/pages/George-Bush-and-Osama-Bin-Laden-are-now-friends-Gordon-Brown-likes-this/341100987523
  18. cheers guys, glad you like it. keep any feedback coming, its much appriciated.
  19. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8LPRGCRT thers a slightly older one aswell but it wont go on soundcloud for some reason.
  20. get some of that on your cochlea's drumstep and drum and bass!
  21. got a similar dilemma. the job I'm going for is at bike hut in Cardiff, was just thinking shoes smart jeans and a shirt would be alright, surely you cant go that wrong, its not as if that's what they expect you to wear to work.
  22. http://www.mixcloud....=cloudcast_page tell me what you recon!
  23. liking that mate, not usually one for mods, really simple but awesome looking!
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