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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. why is the ickle bikes back wheel non drive radial that'll knacker that king sharpish.
  2. haha, can you imagine the awkward silence? fatpants, i would have thought you were more like a spam dagger than a javelin.
  3. i like the attachments stuff, maybe a gallery tutorial would be worthwhile?
  4. took a girl i like shopping/to the cinema, had a great time yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
  5. nah its just better known i think, i was asked how my skate boarding was going by my old head of year. despite wearing a tartybikes t in school and talking about bikes, riding my bike to school and being told off for reading mbuk etc, he was as suprised i rode bikes haha.
  6. i hasve a 203 on my stock with that rotor and its perfect. 203 on a stock is less leverage than a 160 on a mod.
  7. haha, you cant ride trials with those shins!
  8. we triked a kid into believing i was a monty 24" proto rider and i would get him a free one off "papa pi" ahhhhhh good times. love you dave.
  9. oooh nasty man i bet it hurts to do reflex things like move your eyes and blink
  10. "i want a pasty" haha, this looks good! shiit it was prawn not bigman hahahahahah
  11. we cant drive LAST CALLS FOR SHREWS, WHO HAVE GOT? i'll come but i cant ride, lots of people come get pissed with me?
  12. mark is so gay, that in my absence he tried to have sex with his saddle and for this, i love him.
  13. i love him for protecting this girl her really fancies from my verbal attacks and sexual advances. EDIT fatpants is coool because he got his tallywaker out on cam for me
  14. i have one you can borrow, no mounts, bleed feels awefull
  15. HA bit of a generalisation i think!
  16. well, i turned the ring the other way round so the extra metal around the countersinking for the bolts sppaced out, i think this was about 3mm of spacerage hah! but when i got a bash off someone who used to live with tarty who i cant reember the name of, it was spaced and it was fine.
  17. space no more than a mm otherwise you'll tear the threads out like i did
  18. its saturday, because i was talking to max rihgt now and he said he's looking foreward to "saturday"
  19. green trialngles are no doubt the best, maybe caramel cups and big purple ones
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