i have devised a meathod. (Y)
get the peas and your regular fork. squash the peas under the fork and they all stick!! then eat them. simple as that (Y)
my mate was doing that while they were all inside each other in a line,(you know what i mean) as he went to kick off they all compacted into each other and he nearley faceplanted and shat himself. (Y) (Y) (Y)
Downloading it now :lol:
the calipers are different, but i would have kept the old hope lever on because due to the piston/pivot placement it looks like you get more leverage and thus more power. well thats what i would have thought. but i may be wrong :)
unlucky man how'd it happen??
do you live in llandudno because all my relatives live there i go there quite often and dont have anyone to ride with. could you add me on msn.
cheers, mat
well thats the thing its bolted :P
me and my mate bodged it on because the threads were stripped.
oh and where would i get a rohloff. links please :P
thanks, mat
i am intersted in getting a decent chain tensioner. at the moment i have a forge bolted in because the thread in my derailier hangers stripped. all i hear about curren chain tensioners off the people i ride with is how shit they are. im wondering if any good ones do actually exist.
thanks mat :P
im pretty sure they're photoshopped they all look too clean and some of the things like the wheels pointed out above are well sketchy but it is japan so who knows :P
when you have your own mile square indoor fully heated skatepark with food and drink on tap and its maintained by bunny girls with degrees in first aiding so when you fall they can kiss it better.
double wide rims are really good strong rims, and they really are very wide.
the singlewide looks interesting i wonder what effect a maggie would have on those sidewalls (Y)