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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. joe maher hit in the forhead with a shovel = nick carter
  2. i want a family so no way! its fun too!
  3. i'm yet to f**k them over for false advertisng. they arnt kool chains, they are wank.
  4. [removed images of jens massive waps]
  5. should have punched him, put him on the floor and stamped on his face....
  6. cool man! you're improving! once i get my knee sorted i'll be up for a ride... expect very little improvement
  7. to clear this up once and for all half link split link or
  8. you'l be wanting one of these then i would have thought? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Creative-Labs-Nomad-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. cant remember, didnt see it on the internet, it was in a magazine so it could be true, think it was fhm or something.
  10. we can only pray.. one of them has aporn movie out though!
  11. hans ray hops in rock walks thus rock walks have a hop in them...
  12. nah it really wont be, the zona zip is one of THE best riding mod frames ever built. FACT.
  13. hmm i run a rear v because t kicks shit into a maggy, however a reardisk is tempting... if i got one it would be a 9 inch red raven rotor and a bb7 haha
  14. eno or tensile, both really reliable, good value etc...
  15. dont stretch the springs in a pro2 they will snap haha, just put a tiny bit of finishline wet in there, like just a tiny ammout and it will be dandy!
  16. want a parsnip prawn?
  17. you got a tit wank off those beauts yet?
  18. i used super glue but then that eventually popped out again(held for like 3 months) then i put some electrical tape around the little tab thing and it kinda bulked it out a bit so it was a tighter fit, worked a charm!
  19. undoing stem bolts,quick releases, letting tyres down etc
  20. interestingly enough had this just posted on myspace in a bulliten by some slag, got a point though whoever wrote it etc.
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