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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. mat hudson

    I Have...

    might be sothing to do if your bored
  2. 7 C 4 D 1 B pretty happy i ddnt get any E grades or completley fail anything.
  3. they have very good lock but wear out too quickly (this is being worked on (Y) ) the first batch also ripped out of the backings this has been remedied and all people with problems have had their pads replaced.
  4. nout wrong with some latino heat :-
  5. raven riley phwwwwwhoar
  6. oi thats mine, you stole that from me!!!!
  7. backj pedal brakes, awesome lock pretty much no modulation i believe. you can still freewheel.
  8. haha, not as good as raven riley, google image search that name, dirty bitch. haha
  9. all i can say is if i was there, i would hav picked up a nice jagged rock and crushed some kneecaps
  10. nope cos mike v aint no fag, he did it with fists
  11. darn missd it, whens it on again as a repeat??
  12. did the skater die 48 hours later or the guy he hit cos the guy seamed fine but i should imagine the skater would have been murdered(with any luck). the fact he walked away dosnt suprise me, skaters have so little upper body strength they cant even get their hands out (to bail) and they arnt holding onto bars :P
  13. mat hudson

    My New Video

    not bad man, nice gap to bin thing :P
  14. unlucky mat, you've only had that frame a short while :P
  15. mat hudson

    European Vid

    sensing a certain hostility to hooks from you mark :P
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