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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. mat hudson

    Oh My God

    bet the guy who did the panzy no hander feels like a goon (Y)
  2. mat hudson

    Oh My God

    http://www.thepromise.nl/video/redbull1.wmv enjoy
  3. ye well, at least mynes L.H.D and im sure their fantastic matt y (Y)
  4. http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZdiving2002 theres some other well cheap cool stuf on there too (Y)
  5. considering how many have sold not many have snapped+ their stiff as fook
  6. yep, but i felt the need to specify
  7. ye, im awaiting the arrival of the street version with 14mm axles and steel hardwear. mark got one a few days ago
  8. anyone tried one of these http://www.pijin.co.uk/hubs/odysseyRaceCassetteHub.jsp apparentley quite lite :closedeyes:
  9. chrome your rim :closedeyes:
  10. onzaboymarks your man to ask about the tpa bodge :(
  11. maybe a bodge topic should be made sticky, that would be cool, to see everyones bodges etc :(
  12. you can get them from here http://www.discountbicycles.co.uk/biz/prod...od=2226&xSec=16
  13. how do you think this would hold up on a trials bike?
  14. nah, no needless conflict etc was nice
  15. ah, was wondering why the forum was so chilled out and it turns out it was your absence from the country, so annoy any americans?
  16. i recon it would e a better match against wasps or killer bees as the european honey bees will only attack one at a time. or at least thats what tv just told me(they love the one on one shiz) but wasps etc swarm stuff so theyre better. i recon one lion vs 200 kittens hahahaha
  17. i dont think they come in any other colours, but you can get older models in other colours that havnt sold yet etc, so go find one :(
  18. [ how'd you know she's brazilian..... the hair cut dosnt neccessariliy mean that :(
  19. avatars are a really good idea as u see the pic think ahh , thats so and so and you dont have to read the name etc, thats why, when people change their sigs it annoys me :P
  20. and all i'm gettings a lousy oddy hazard wheel :P and a front primo one.............and a 33t sprocket oh god im soooooooooooooooo happy :P
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