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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. mat hudson


    why is my firefox so slow, i mean slower than windows explorer? loads of people on here cream about it and for me its real slow, anything i need to do to it so it works well? thanks
  2. oh, me and my mates went into an abandoned warehouse to rip downa a wall of 4' x 8' ply. to take to another abndoned building to make a ramp. we got stopped by the policia and our details were taken down but nothing else happened.
  3. mat hudson

    Picture War

    try poking that army boy (Y)
  4. t master stem and onza carbon risers where its at, but i guess tarty bikes would have the zoo! bar and stem.
  5. grinding rims increases the friction between the pad and the reim giving you better stopping power. it is also very good in the wet as the water tends to run off down the channeled parts of the grind and off the rim. you grind your rim with an angle grinder. you use a stone cutting disk. take the grinder and use it at and angle to the rim. try and get the lines that are made by the grinder as radial as possible. (i.e they all face away from the hub.) tar is an oil based matrerial. it can be used to drematically improve the power of your brake in the DRY. tar really doesnt work in the wet. im not quite sure why but its somthing to do with the tar breaking back down into oil (i think :) ) and making your brake shit. A grind is the best thing to do and can last for a very long time if done well. just try not to go too nuts with the grinder eh (Y)
  6. yet only 150 tops to get an eno working, that would be with sexelent cranks too. (Y)
  7. heels in riding style is not uncommon neither is heals out. its all to do with how you feel comfy on your pedals. there is no need to change your pedal stance.
  8. i had the basic shindigs but with fpd laser etched onto them instead of shindig. they were the grippiest pedals i had ever had and only lost one pin over the year long period they were used until the bearings died and my pedal fell off mid ride leaving the spindle in my crank. they absolutley beat the crap into the v8's and any other pedal in their price range. bearings are comparable but the grip is phenominal.
  9. i kidnapped 4 police officer and have them trapped in hampster balls in my basement.
  10. but lets face it, how many people have had them go into the chain :- . generally people lace them so they cant B)
  11. wow al, you've really improved since last time i saw you ride. keep it up.
  12. i really like that acid drop. gets my seal of approval.
  13. fag, fivetens look just like normal heavy duty shoes. they are comfy and very grippy. the fact you'd rather wear a pair of pixie boots instead of a pair of big butch black trainers is evidence enough for me to brand you gay.
  14. mat hudson


    Your search - french military victories - did not match any documents
  15. biggest load of absolute crap ever. should be. for every 10 violent abusive chavs there is one nice one.
  16. get some five tens, they really are really good. oh, and heres alink to their site http://www.fiveten.com
  17. get one of the new heatsink boosters - only 28 quid, and much better :ermm: http://www.heatsinkbikes.com/?p=boosters
  18. no i didnt, i took the reds off,and put the blues on as the reds were waring very quickley. i took the blues off and put the hombres on for a while becaus i wanted a quiet brake. i use my brake easily as much as you if not more, i slow down with my brake ( i dont have a front one so i use the back on exclusivley) and use it for modulation more than you do for your on/off power. i sometimes use it for on/off stuff aswell. i usually ride every day, i havnt at the moment as i have a dental absess.
  19. black and tangerine (orange) :lol: it looks f**kin lush ^_^
  20. but they arn't ^_^ thats why they're not in the poll :lol:
  21. are the vees still going to be the standard fittings with the post etc, sans the cnc'd backing?
  22. how come whenever i asked you about the vee pads on msn you would ignore me, i only wanted a predicted date for release and what rim conditions they would be suitible for and it wasn't as if i asked often. my first impression of you was arrogant tosser, but i may be wrong. now i can ask on here, what is going to be the expected realease date of the v brake pads?
  23. i find cornish pasty to be particularley effective :lol:
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