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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. if they lowered the tt down the seatpost so it was half way down, then put 2 wires (one on each side) they would always have tension, no matter whether you were hooking or enodoing (Y) you'd just have to make sure they were both at exactley the same tension :) phwoooaaaar, or the headtube and tt junction could be a hinge and you could custom adjust the headangle with the wires (Y)
  2. because one day you'll try to fly, and thats somthing a human should never be able to do (Y)
  3. either that or it would collapse the tt because of the forces.
  4. i had a troublesome time with him. that bt raven he sold to someone else up the top of the thread he told me was 3 months old, turned out to be at least a year. apparentley some of the other components had taken a beating too and he told me they were mint. (Y) aslong as this is the guy im thinking of. clearcoated raven. recentley had a moped accindent.
  5. no, iv decided to move. i wont be going straight away, getting a job here and saving up first. basically, i know 6th form isnt for me.
  6. basically, im thinking 6th form aint my bag. i really fancie getting a shite 9-5 job in a crap place/super market and just moving around and meating new people. so far, the places i have thought about are. abba Llandudno, rhyll, somwhere up there(i have family up there. not to mention already knowing most of the riders.) ormskerk, liverpool area(i have family there too.) or somwhere south wales. i currentley live in the center of wales so im starting off in a nice central base. i would not neccessarily be just going somwhere in wales, but please dont say "oooh come here, its the best". any constructive comments welcome.
  7. oversized bars can be made lighter because they're bigger(thinner material). maybe this applies to the rims.use thinner material. or maybe theyre carbon? (Y)
  8. i :P you, this is going to be a little bit funny :)
  9. nah, i get what your saying. as in your saying that by not speaking at normal volume about racism around people of otherethnic background. We are treating them differentley and thus being racist. i just dont know why we feel we have to be that way.
  10. is lancaster near wales :)
  11. ye, it is. but people feel the need to do that, why?
  12. but i guess they did it because they thought they would offend the guy if they didnt. i'v been told im racist for getting annoyed with my banks call centers manned by indian people who cant speek english. :)
  13. i just think the police and government are too scared of being called racist. theres been all this crap over not calling christmas christmas and general crap like that.
  14. thats exactley what im getting at^^^^^
  15. lo :) me and a few mates were having a chat about how the government in this contry is really too scared of being racist.. i am interested to see what you guys think about this subject. please dont just leave racist comments. this thread isn't intended to be racist, just to discuss a topic. discuss......
  16. use lead strips instead of rimtape, lead washers, instead of pumping your tyres with air, use water (Y) . murcury in the brakes. wrap every tube in lead, secure with zipties. shuld have added about 50punds onto your bike :lol:
  17. titanium can be bent around and generally abused way more than any other metal.
  18. your making an absolute killing on those (Y)
  19. just like i told dave33 if i feel depressed now thinking in another 16 years i'll be 32 i know you must feel aweful. chin up. (Y) not really, happy birthday geez. (Y)
  20. doesnt look like they could shorten them all that much. even if they wanted to either.
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