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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. www.tartybikes.co.uk look there
  2. you can practice removing warn on me if you like ;) ....... what B) , i'v been a good boy :$
  3. this one says it feels like a hat :P http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=2021 anyone tried it? also this seems quite cheap but looks ok. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=8592
  4. well, its time for me to buy a helmet. i really dont have much of a clue as to what to get apart from xens are nice, so are semi mx's. i really dont want a bmx style piss pot. so, if you've had a good experiance with a helmet, fire the name of it this way and i'll take a gander. cheers, mat.
  5. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha. i was there, it was funny.
  6. ducko's got one in pieces in his shed, ask him if he wants to sell it. edit: ye, thats right, i was in your shed last night
  7. all smurf king prawn :) all smurf king prawn :) all smurf king prawn :D all smurf king prawn B)
  8. i drove past a wall in b-ham next to a church and all the way along it were bash marks. it was only like 2 ft high. it looked horrible compared to the rest of the 3ft high untouched wall.
  9. its really nice to see such a well structured, well spelt first post from a new member. :) i would have thought the sticky piston could be sorted by pumping the brake lever whilst spraying a thin lube (GT85 or WD40) onto the piston body. if this doesnt work, you may well need to take the piston out completley, and replace it with a new one. B) on the tpa topic, have a search around the forum for a tpa bodge, i think its been explained close to 400 times. :) good luck :D mat
  10. what did you say about my wife!!!!
  11. join two mavic rims together. fat mike and ali c both did this and i know fat mike was particualrley pleased. try tracking him down for info on what rims to use, how to do it etc.
  12. i asked santa for pauls curtis :) god knows if he just takes it, or actually gives him a few pennies or somthing.
  13. :huh: put a phillips screwdriver in one of the pin holes and twat it as hard as you can. that'll get your acs open ;)
  14. alright llandudno lads, im up tomorow, pm me or speak to me on msn if you fancie a ride. alternativley phone me. 07896198155
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