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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. just make sure you dont tightenit with the drill
  2. maaaaaaaaan they are overpriced. 38$ for a brake triangle
  3. stock. iv ridden 26 all my life. so it makes sence to get a stock.
  4. i have that one too. but round here we cant pick up the signal for the digital tv yet . theyre planing to bring it to the area soon. i would like the codes
  5. they're overcharging! just look at that rrp!
  6. yes, it does look freeking horrible. just put ont wheel on then flick the back end up. NO BASH CONTACT!!! or you could always bunnyhop/pedalhop up it.
  7. never heard of it personally. could you give me a link?
  8. what frks are they. they're ridgid and long. i want some. do they come in 26 version?
  9. in this order. put pistons right in. booster. blead brake. grind rim. new pads. if each one doesnt work go onto the next step.
  10. mat hudson


    thats cos your "rediculousleeeeeeeee hardcore" though
  11. nope. im guessing mark was being sierious, as his eno is f**king awesome and he propperley loves it.
  12. cool vid will. i'll be up some time in the near future to see you guys.
  13. i think a mod needs to go through this thread, some of the info's a bit dated. .
  14. you should always listen to dizee rascal . he's such a rascal a dizee rascal!!
  15. are they ment for a smooth rim? thats a freeking appauling wear rate.
  16. woooooo http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=7432
  17. i think the fact that you managed to get validated means you shoudl at least be given a chance int main forum.
  18. mat hudson

    New Mod Video

    that were propper bo la'. short but sweet. like a tiny lolly pop.
  19. dont be a peenis. dont even tell me your thinking about it sieriousley. even some of the best british pros cant sustain temselves on just riding. please. think about it!
  20. i wouldnt have thought so, its a completley different lever. worth a try though. just bosh em in and see.
  21. there has been a huge topic about this i think, just use the search. its really, really easy to use.
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