well, lets think about it as if george bush did it.. he blows up towers. blames it on terrorists. goes on a wear on terror that basically means he takes over iraq ( and the biggest resource of oil in the world) and after a while returns everything apart from the oil. infact the later part has happened. he owns the oil.
indeed. were still going. my dad will be back by sunday. he's taking my mums car to save petrol so she cant drive to nwales. in the big truck cos she hates driving it.
isnt it funny how security was reduced, bom sniiffer dogs taken off duty and staff evacuated several times in the weeks leading upto 9-11? just saying jt edit: oh and the freewheel remover worked, mark was over the moooooooooon.
your a lucky *unt. i got flu 2 days before christmas last year. i shattered my kneecap 2 years ago at the start of a summer holliday. i get random shit like hurting ankles just before i need them to be tip top just generally crap things while i have free time.
hey will, i might have a way to get you to the ride i think me and me maaa are coming up ont friday and leaving on the saturday... maybe i can swing it so you could skitch behind the car on the way back...
marks eno freewheel is curentley in the same state(with 2 flats in it), it snapped my dads vice in half rather than loosening itself. i think theyre gonna be rock hard to get off whatever you put on them.
but i bet joe is 10 times a etter rider than both of you chumps, i have 3 bikes, one bmx one dj bike and a trials bike, im not particualarley rich, have a go at me. get well soon joe. a powerball will do wonders for it once the cast is off
me mark ben dave tomturd will arnoold partz rob oooooooooooh lets not forget quickspider jon. was that a maybe though? thats what i got anyway... if i left anyone out dont get arsey or i'll rape you.
the building was made to resist hurricane force winds for days on end a force that is much more severe than a jumbo hitting it. the building was actually mde to withstand jets being flown into it anyway, and the steel could withstand temperatures of 2000 degrees for like 2 hours before even becoming slihtley inclined to bend. you would know this if you had watched the vid . i'll try find the site i was on last night that proves this.
a b52 which is a bigger plane, flew into the empire state building and it was fine. only damage was concrete. and its still standing is it not? also the empire state buildidng did not have sprinklers, the twin towers did.