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mat hudson

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Everything posted by mat hudson

  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  2. bailed into a mesh fence, fut my hand out, flinger went through. ripped it sideways
  3. shindigs are grippy as fook, nice and big and only 15quid. last well considering their open bearing too. but when they die just buy new ones.
  4. its a sunny b*****d of a day now aswell no riding
  5. f**k you all tf hostin be down so it aint my fault ok, done
  6. mat hudson

    My Finger!

    Edited by Mark: Go to "Llandod trials video" thread instead. It's way bigger, and has 100% more gore. Sorry for Mat's retardedness.
  7. 1st, boil your rotor or flame it with a blowtorch. 2nd boil your pads or flame them with a blowtorch optional extra. boil your friend or flame him with a blowtorch.
  8. what bike is it? the creepy crawlerswill only fit a 19" rim. no use on a 20.
  9. if i were you, i would wait for the tensile freewheel. 60 enagement points, feels like an eno, 30 quid i think.
  10. hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa piss my pants, oldies = goodies
  11. one sec ash. there are no nobs in full members?
  12. renthals are thin as fook and last ages, not for people with pussy hands though, man, they cain to start off with.
  13. has he thought about a zoot? 24" is in at the moment or maybe the zona zip, im sure tartybikes could put you a full build together.
  14. i do brush twice a day, mine hapened cos i was run down. anyway. wheres your absess? mynes on my left hand side incisor. top tip, drain the f**ker with a needle.
  15. it was heavier, there was a huge shearing force on the bolts and people already break bolts onto frames enough. the bash would have not have been able to take lateral loads aswell as the usual design as it would be ripped off. also there was less clearance with that bash. aswell as all that, going to bash usually is pretty horrific on walls, even with the bash plate being pretty big, the bt one had 2 tiny surfce areas that would rape walls.
  16. you have the korean version then get the english version
  17. but that bash was blatentley a shite design, the onza is a brilliant idea.
  18. everyone moans about coppies, but when someone brings out somthing trueley different (cue the onza with lowered chainstays) everyone has a go.
  19. you can get gunz and live for speed for free. im sure someone will post where from.
  20. i have a dental absess that keeps coming back and as a result my tooth is dyeing im going to have to have the back of my gum opened and then they swab the root sounds really painfull. hope it isnt.
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