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mat hudson

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mat hudson last won the day on October 13 2012

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About mat hudson

  • Birthday 04/08/1989

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  • Real Name
    mat hudson
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    stock trek slash 7 2013 with a revolution seatpost ashton 07, pro2t, burns, bb7
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    cardiff, wales

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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. yes mate, this is pretty much my view on the entire affair, even though it's a private bill, it's a scary thought(especially after recent events) that it's even being proposed. I have no interest in fighting in a war that I don't support. got this mp's email address if anyone fancies voicing their opinion to him directly philip.hollobone.mp@parliament.uk
  2. Hey guys, don't come on here very often, but i'm not really a part of any other forums and I am interested to hear peoples views on the proposal of the return of compulsory national service. Also I just wanted to let you know it is happening! hopefully it won't get through but you never know. the bill is now going for its second reading in the house of commons. most likely this will affect men ages 18-50 and women 20-30. I am dead against it, wondering what your opinions are! http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/nationalservice.html this is the actual bill^^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH2Xf9KaoSk some Scottish guy kind of explaining it^^
  3. that's really nice to see. ill suggest that to my boss i think, see what he thinks. its nice to have a certificate to show you have applicable skills when applying for jobs.
  4. my mate did pretty much the same ammount of damage doing a handstand on a rail 13ft above a road, fell straight onto his face and then slammed his leg so it basically shattered. never seen so much carnage on one person! hope he gets better!
  5. sick man, ill have a little look into their payment schemes
  6. just out of interest, if i was to spend around 400 quid on a laptop, where would i be best off going? i have had a look on the dell refurb store and seem to be able to get 4gb of ram 500gb hdd sort of specs. is this about right for the amount of money i'm spending?
  7. mwahaha 4-late "all you can kart" for 25quid in cardiff go kartin center!! i go every few months
  8. you could always get around the different mechanical advantages required by disk and rim brakes, by having, essentially 2 levers built into one. a specific piston set for the rim and disk brake, 2 hoses etc. im pretty sure that would work. a bit OTT in my opinion though.
  9. dont listen to these fools, all the pro's run kings+freewheels, the only way to get that instant pedal engagement. i hear martin ashton cant even backhop without this set up
  10. yea with an eno and a chris king you'll get 100,000 engagement points. fact
  11. 2000watt oil filled one should keep a room warm. once itshot the oil stays warm for ages as well so its the most efficient.
  12. f**king jesus thats a lot of effort to get to work
  13. just get the rholoff speedhub. mmmmmmmmm :wink2:
  14. awesome mc and live d+b. kapoowww!!!
  15. looks slightly better in silver, but still... http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000XEGDFE/ref=s9_simh_gw_p241_d0_i4?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0VG4V3F9S3SH82E12RDW&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=317828027&pf_rd_i=468294 that ones under 900 too
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