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Everything posted by modx-lite

  1. OK this is really beginning to annoy me, someone esle must be able to have some luck with it!
  2. OK I've found a pattern from a website design that I really like, and want to copy. But I just can;t seem to work it out. Here's the pattern I mean - the black stripy thing as the background - here (image uploader seems to be being a bitch to me) So I saved the image, zoomed right in to the background but I really can't work out the pattern - not sure where to start/stop my selection to make the pattern work when defining it:S I'm not sure if this is just me being a retard or what, but any help would be great, either telling me an easy way to do it or actually making it and sending me the pattern file if you can. But I would like to know how to do it, cos I get the feeling I'm just being an idiot. Cheers for any help
  3. modx-lite

    X-lite Forks 2

    From the album: Gavin

  4. modx-lite

    X-lite Forks 1

    From the album: Gavin

  5. Pix Mania, 440GBP, clcik here Might be of use
  6. OK after not using Photoshop for ages I seem ot have forgotten how to use gradient tool properly. I need to have more than one gradient on one layer - e.g. diagonal black ----> white in top right (top corner going to center), then blue ----> bottom left (bottom corner going to center). If that makes sense. But for some reason, when I've done the first gradient and try the second, it just gets rid of the frst, like I'm only allowed one gradient (Y) I seem to remeber this hapenning before and eventually I found out how to change it, but I can't now, so any help would be great. Cheers
  7. Someone please do a GUUI for this! I've got a shitty really long excel thing to work it out for me but its really annoying having to open it up all the time, having all the information spread out etc (it's a shit spreadsheet, but seems to give me the right fees luckily). But i've alwyas thought a calculator would eb really useful. Gavin
  8. Basically, I've realised just how un-flexible I am. Can't touch my toes etc, and just generally always stiff (please, no jokes, before some wise-guy tries :o) So yeah, any pointers on getting more flexible would be good, links to any useful websites etc. I'm 17 n still slowly growing, and have shit knees and ankles, if that' of any use to you. Ask for anything else you need to know. Cheers everyone :lol:
  9. Yeah I thought the whole point was to 'bribe' people to stay at school? Surely that's a good thing? More people stay in school, many of which then go to uni/get better jobs than they would have = more tax in long run, 'better' workforce, better economy? Plus loadsa other benefits from having a generally more clever population? I know in many cases (e.g. with me), people would have stayed at school anyway so the EMA is wasted. But I'm pretty sure that in other areas, e.g. less well off where kids might be under pressure/just want cash, it gets kids to stay at schoolo rather than end up working in the same dead end job all their life? But yeah I can see how it seems crazy, I mean #30 a week is quite a bit, and the bonuses do seem stupid. But I'm sure the government will know a hell of a lot more than us lot about whether it will benefit people or not.
  10. Gotta love the pimping A1 amp, I got the same from Richer Sounds. Really not keen on the looks fof it but for the money the sound is great. I was happy with getting just the amp for #100! I've got Mission M71 speakers and I'm happy with those too, especially for the money (mine were #70) - click here. Although I do think there are better options. I THINK it was these that got awesome reviews so they might be worth a look - click here But like others have said, I;d recommend just going in to your nearest Richer Sounds store and asking them what they reccommend - everyone I've spoken to in their are reallyf riendly and seem to know their stuff without pushing you into buying anything. Also, haggle with them! I got something like #30 of cables thrown in for free when I got my CD deck and speakers! Good luck
  11. I use Web-Mania, click here , for hosting - despite the horrible name its actually really good, with plenty of storage space and high transfer limit - only 20GBP for a year. So yeah, first you'd set up an account with a host such as them. 1. Get a host - this is where you upload your files, and where others view them from I use Web-Mania, click here , for hosting - despite the horrible name its actually really good, with plenty of storage space and high transfer limit - only 20GBP for a year. So yeah, first you'd set up an account with a host such as them. 2. Get a domain - whatever adress you need e.g. www.yoursite.co.uk I'd definitely recommend 1 & 1 - click here - I've got loads of adresses with them and never had a problem. Only 1.99GBP/year for a .co.uk domain , but you have to sign up for 2 year at once. You then get the domain to 'point' to your host - i.e. to take people to your site when they type it in. Web-mania and 1&1 give you clear instructions on how to do this, but feel free to ask if you can;t work it out, it took me a while to make sense of it. 3. Aquire some FTP software - this lets you upload all your files to you host. I use a program called Cute FTP - really quick and simple to use, you just follow a Wizard at the start which sets it up to 'talk' to your host, then you just upload files to it, nice n easy. Hope that's of some help. Yes you can get free hosts/domains but I really don;t think it's worth the hassle of finding a decent one (which you probably won't, but correct me if I'm wrong) for the sake of paying just 25GBP to have a site up and running for a year. If you need any help just add me on msn - gplatt2000@hotmail.com
  12. Will do, thanks for the quick reply (Y) Back to riding now after a week without cranks :) Thanks again
  13. By the way, before people say give tartybikes a call, I;ve already tried but can;t get hold of anyone, and I'm pretty desperate for an answer soon (going out in an hour and want to have bike sorted by then to go for a ride)
  14. Just got some new Echo ranks from Tartybikes (ordered last night, came first thing this morning, great service!) Anyway, the drive-side crank has a black washer, I was just wondering what it's for? I'm running an ENO freewheel, should I use it? Cheers
  15. I'll upload the page in a second so you can see what I mean, I'll edit this post with link. EDIT: Uploaded the page, hopefully this will make it clear, please view the source to try work out what I've messed up! Clickity Chheeers
  16. Cheers Simon, I think I get that bit now, but how do I get the same effect for an image? It's not a link that i have (not <a href...etc>) , but and image (<img src=.... etc>) And when I put the code in liek this: <img src="images/photo1p.jpg" width="35" height="35" onmouseover="popup('<img src="images/photo1.jpg"> ','yellow')"; ONMOUSEOUT="kill()"> it doesn't work! I'm guessing I've done it wrong somehow but I can;t find just where. When I preview the page, it has the original thumbnail image (the area where I want the mouseover thing to appear), I just get this text showing: ','yellow')"; ONMOUSEOUT="kill()"> as though a tag's been closed too early or soemthing?
  17. Cheers everyone, Alexx seems to have found what I'm needing and cheers Stu for that other link, I've been trying to find out how to do that 'static disjointed' thing for ages! Alexx - I'm just a bit confused as I don;t know wher to put the code that you say goes 'in the link bit', i.e. this code: ONMOUSEOVER="popup('Link description here','yellow')"; ONMOUSEOUT="kill()" I've got images which I want as the 'area' for the rollover thing. i.e. <img src="images/photo1p.jpg" width="35" height="35"> So where abouts does the ONMOUSE..... etc bit go? Thanks again everyone
  18. Don't really know how to explain what I'm meaning so I guess the best way is to show you an example: http://www.cyphermusic.net/bands/forums/in...hp?showforum=65 When you roll the mouse over the differnt thread titles, a pop-up box appears, showing details of the first post within that thread. I'd like to use this in a slightly differnt way - I have lots of small preview thumbnails for a gallery, and want a pop-up to display the full image if the pointer rolls over the thumbnail. Is this possible? And if so, how? I'm guessing you can;t do it in HTML, so I'm thinking something to do with Java? (OK I really don't have a clue how so don't know why I'm trying to guess..) Any help would be great, and sorry for not describing it too well, please let me know if you don't understand what I mean fully. Cheers
  19. Firstly, I don't know anything about guns. But from what you said, it sounds like you could set up your air rifle to be as easy as theirs is to shoot? So you could film yourself squeezing the trigger 6 times in 1.03 seconds? And if not, you might be able to get access to the competition air rifle again? Also, he definitely does fire the 6 shots in under 3 seconds (as far as I can tell anyway), that's me timing the video with my PC's clock (try it, a second is actually fairly long...). Don't you think all these officials might be a bit more accurate than some guy watching a video streamed over the internet? Anyway I say well done to the guy, I know for a fact I couldn't do that, and if you (andy) manage to do it aswell, then I'll also be impressed and say well done to you.
  20. Got my 'Techno' the other day (it's shit, get a pro). But yeah I just got 11,805! And my mate just got 14,004. I'm sure it's just nackered... EDIT: OK after just watching that world record vid I've come to the conclusion that mine is indeed f**ked. Didn't make a noise anything like that! Ah well
  21. Work this one out people! Physics teacher was on about this a while ago, dont think we ever worked it out properly., So yeah...what happens?!
  22. Those are the exact two examples I was gonna say - things that we would definitely have though of as being 'impossible' a few years ago, but like with most things in science some new idea comes along and soon enough it will probably seem 'normal'. I'm not trying to say that either of those have anything to do with ghosts as I'm sure giptown isn't, I'm just trying to make the point that you can't assume we know everything and immedaitely say something is bullshit, just because some theories might go against it. As our physics teachers are always saying, physics theories don't tell us WHAT happens - they're mainly just ideas which happen to be able to predict and explain things which do happen.
  23. Grr just got excited looking on eBay and now I've ended up buying one :"> Stupid Trials Forum wasting my money (Y) Better be good now!
  24. Just picked up local newspaper to have a look at car ads, and came across this: Mini, K reg, 1275 carb, 10 months MOT, red, white stripes + roof, excellent condition, one old lady owner, 37000 miles, all reciepts/MOT's etc, brand new stainless steel exhaust, £1150 ono Now to me that sounds like an awesome deal going on most of the other minis I've seen for sale (e.g. just above it in the paper there was a G-reg Mini City for the same price, £1150 with no mention of excellent condition or anything) So yeah, anyone's views on this would be great, am I right in thinking it's a good deal? Cheers
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