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Everything posted by modx-lite

  1. modx-lite

    Forks 2

    From the album: Album

  2. modx-lite

    Forks 1

    From the album: Album

  3. Ah cheers, tried Google but only searching for 'fonts', didn't know the technical name hence 'hand-writing style'. Will have a trawl through those in a bit.
  4. Afternoon all Just tryin to find some sort of hand-writing style font, wondered if any of you know any decent sites where I could find free ones? Seem to remeber there being a post on here about this a while back but can't find anything... Cheers people Gavin
  5. I'm with www.web-mania.com, have been for around two years and never had a problem, only £20/yr, may be worth a look. Gavin
  6. Not sure if this is any use, but worth a look - Template Monster.com - I think if you buy a web template from them it includes access to all their icons, clipart, stock photos etc (which you can preview somewhere on that site). You can get some of the templates real cheap so that might be worthwhile... Gavin
  7. Nasty, thought mine was bad! At least you were a wise man and had it stitched up - result of me leaving it as it was is shown in the 2nd picture - nice n yellow with black edges Get well soon!
  8. modx-lite


    From the album: Gavin

  9. modx-lite


  10. You son of a bitch. And yeah I do love the Ataris cover, you're a wise man.
  11. f**king good choice!! Absolutely love that song (gotta love the crazy-sexy voice of the singer, whoever she is. Hence I also love Roysopp -What Else is There), then 6 months later I hear Jose Gonzalez cover it - and it ruined it for me! I love Gonzalez's version as well, but now every time I hear The Knife I can't help but think of his depressing cover Anyway to add to the list I'd say the worst cover is DJ Sammy's ass-raping of Don Henley's cheesy-yet-feel-good Boys of Summer :$ Just makes me think of good times and all last summer - until I think of DJ Sammy's mess.
  12. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon Stone Roses - Stone Roses Enigma - Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi Ian Brown - Golden Greats Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium Oasis - Morning Glory The Clash - London Calling4 Frou Frou - Details Aim - Cold Water Music Head Automatica - Decadence Ladytron - 604 Royksopp -The Understanding Thievery Corporation - The Cosmic Game Plus any 2 Many DJs sets and a load of house/soul/downtempo stuff that was hard to leave off. Not sure if they're my favourites, some would definitely stay in that list all the time but others keep changing. 10 isn't anywhere near enough (hence 14, but still not enough...!) But yeah that's about right at the minute.
  13. Found it. Knew I had it somewhere. Praise Cats - Shined on Me. I've got some ultra-cheesy Friday Night Posse remix (might not actualy be theirs, that's just according to Limewire which turn out to be wrong half the time). Let me know if you want me to email you it. Gavin
  14. Let's not forget N-Trance - Set you Free
  15. On this note, some dancey song I heard lately and remeber enjoying, something along lines of... 'I got peace, deep in my heart, i got love..somethign about whole/soul im guessing?' OK not much info there I know but hopefully one of you will recognise it. I'm sure it's popular/a classic/a song I really shuld know and have just forgotten. Think it's a woman singer if that's any help... Cheers for any help Oh and on topic - classic dance songs: Candi Stanton - You got the love Corona - Baby Baby, Rhythm of the Night ... - The Key the Secret In fact forget this, too many to list! But a fwe I've been listening to recently: Electra - Autumn Love Awesome 3 - Don't Go Motorcycle - As the Rush Comes Above & Beyond - Alone Tonight - f**king aweosme, you have to have a listen. Best v loud, obvoiusly. Chemical Brothers - Surface to Air CeCe Patison - Finally And oh so many more.
  16. Just a quick point - how do you know that's what hapenned? None of us can. Believing that just cos it's on this vid is no different to believing the media telling us it was planes. Not having a go or anything, I'm just tryin to make the point that we really don't know, seems it's just a case of deciding who you trust.
  17. Yeah I prob should have watched whole video first. Watched it all now, and that stuff about the melting at bottom of the basement/blown out windows on ground floor does seem odd. But like I said, I watched another program a bit ago which completely contradicts things in this vid - as I said before, the program on C4 explained how there was a design fault in the building, and an interview with it's architect confirmed it. So, as \I said before, clearly one of them is wrong. Another example of this contradicting the C4 documentary - in this vid it says 'no one at all was allowed access to the wreckage... the steel etc was shipped off to be reccled before any investigation...' - but on the C4 program it showed huge trucks delivering every single significant ppiece of the wreckage to an island somewhere in NY where each bit was investigated for hours to try and find the cause. Again, clearly either this vid or C4 is wrong. Yeah I'm not disgareeing with there being lots of crazy suspicious stuff, especially after watching the whole vid (e.g. the flight recorder boxes 'not' being recoevered...), and loads of interesting points. I just hate the way it then spoils all this with contradictary points. Another example - the whole phoning relatives thing. First it shows the examples of people calling on the PLANE'S phone. Then two minutes later it says how MOBILE phones wouldn't work - a bit irrelevant?? (although to be fair I'm guessing itbwas claimed that a lot pof the calls were made from mobiles). Then it shows that guy's experiment which proved mobiles wouldn't work at 32,000ft cruising altitude - I'm pretty certain the plane won't actually have been at 32,000ft when it was approaching the towers? Unless they're a hell of a lot higher than I thought... BUT then agani some do seem really starnge - like the guy calling his mum saying his FULL name?! How bizarre. I really can't make my mind up... Although the vid definitely doesn't show any good explanations for why Bush Administration would do this to itself, ther than a few sketchy 'people made some money' reasons - certainly not as much money as the whole thing cost.
  18. But all buildings are different? As mark said, it was built to have as much open space and light as possible so I presume it'll have a completely different structure to Empire State. And again, as Mark said, he architect himself said that in hindsight it shuold have been designed differently - there was a programme on C4 a whilae ago about it, I can;t remeber all the details but I think the interview with him was on that. I'm also pretty certain I remebr it saying that they had allowed for the imapct of a jet, but not the fuel burning? Or it could have been the explosion they allowed for, but not the continued burnning of the fuel. I can;t remebr but it was along those lines, so either that show or this must be wrong. Also if there were bombs planted, would it not make sense to just detonate those and claim terrorists planted those, rather than go the effort of flying two planes into the buildings? I don;t know. And I'm pretty cerain no one knows, other than people high up in gov't etc, which is precisely why all this cinspiracy stuff is a waste of time - it's just people looking at some sketchy stuff but not actually having a clue on specific details as they're not experts! But yeah I'm not saying this whole vid is rubbish, there is some weird stuff like the bets on stock market.
  19. Couple more things - What about the fact a huge jet ripped straight through the whole building most probably tearing aart all the structure?? Not sure ont his, bt would it not be easier for USA to just get oil from all their unused stuff in Alaska? Controversial yes, but I'm pretty certain a war is also controversial... Could be wrong there, no idea which works out cheaper etc Just seems to me that at the minute everyone loves to hate America, and will believe anything they see, e.g. Michael Moore movies, as long as it makes America look bad. Not that I love America.
  20. Watched half of it so far, some interesting stuff and some which is blatantly complete bollocks. I'm not a fan of these conspiracy theories either, although they're still interesting to watch... Some stuff definitely does seem weird, like the fact that there's hardly any wreckage from the plane at the Pentagon, and the security footage being confiscated (which, as it said, could prove straight away that a plane hit) And the amount bet on the stock of airline company's share prices falling... But then the amount of points which completely contradict each other or are just ridiculous, makes me not want to believe any of it. E.g. there's a whole section saying how there's no wreckage at the Pentagon, followed by a section showing the 'eveidence from wreckage at the Pentagon' (OK there's only small bits but you get the idea). Then it shows how the engine found wasn't from a commercial airliner but an American fighter jet, and yet straight after that it says ti was a missile that caused it I'm pretty certain they won't have fighter jet engines? But the main thing is - why the hell would American want to do this to themselves? It's crazy saying 'loads of money was made from it' - surely all the damage it did to America economy through loss of tourism etc is a hell of a lot more than a few people could have made from the stock market?!? (correct me if this is explained later on in the vid, like I said, I've not seen it all yet) Point is, it's easy to find little bits of info which combine to prove a point you want to make, whilst completely ignoring anything which goes against it. Especially when people tend to believe things so easily - for all I know, the things which I think ar 'weird' and suspicious could be 100% made up by the people who made the vid!
  21. Also I remeber something about the farming being pretty important - deforestation and intense farming meaning soils lose all their nutrients, making it impossible for trees to grow there again any time soon, i.e. problem escalates really quickly. Good luck
  22. Yeah I read the other day apparently there's now a crazy amount of plumbers not needed? Everyone decided plumbers got payed shit loads after seeing the odd thing on TV bout how they were in demand, and now there's way too many. Well not at the minute, still a shortage now, but there are a few thousand more than needed in training, so in a couple of years there's bebig ass overkill... Apparently.
  23. modx-lite


    click here Might be old or soemthing, not sure, but thought I'd better share it...
  24. I'm also planning on doin this in 07 now (would think of doin it this year but already got plans and don't think I could get international license), so let me know how it goes! Do you know how much the entrance fee is yet? (doesn't have it on the website from what I can see) Charel - looking at this - it looks like you've only got to be 18 and had a license for a year, so.... Think I'll be going for the pimpin' Panda 4x4, one of my most hated cars of all time, or possibly a Lada or Saab. Also Tom - just wondering if you were doing anything to raise the £500 minimum donation? Or just using your own cash? (sorry if you've mentioned it already, think I've read mos of the thread though..) Gavin
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