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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Yer i was looking for exactly the same kinda thing (dunno if you saw my thread on BMX-forum michael). The lowest i've found is a 23 tooth flatland sprocket but it's in America and i haven't spotted any similair things from the UK. Would that DMR thing actually fit BMX style 3pc cranks? I thought it would need a four arm thingie. (Y) Thanks, Max.
  2. Does this work with .co.uk domains aswell becuase i've had my .co.uk for over a year now but haven't heard anything about getting and email account with it. (Y) I thought you got email accounts with the actual hosting :wub:. Thanks, Max.
  3. You've still got "bike ridden:mod" in your profile thingy. :) Any particular reason? Back on topic i'm going to try and make it but my dad's already taking me to NASS this year so it might not happen. I really want to go though, i've never even been to anything like that before. :) :P Max
  4. Yep i'm pretty definate it's an odyssey MX seat, got one i'd sell if your interested? Max
  5. Latest picture of my Federal division, Odyssey13T freewheel, odyssey compact 33T sprocket, Macneil seat and seat combo and heatsink V's still to come.
  6. From the album: Max's pics

    Latest picture of my division, Odyssey13T freewheel, odyssey compact 33T sprocket, Macneil seat and seat combo and heatsink V's still to come.
  7. Number two on the sides and threeish on top i say! (Y) Max
  8. Max Quinn


    The guys a genius, check out some of the work on his website, http://www.banksy.co.uk/. There's been numerous newspaper articles featuring his name and he seems to be very well known! Max
  9. Sorry a bit off topic but does anyone know when i could get hold of a pair of heatsink V's as this just reminded me and my question doesn't exactly deserve it's own thread. Thanks very much, Max.
  10. Hhhhmm that's odd :turned:. Using dreamweaver when i go into the source inside the frameset and stuff i have this: Maybe it's just me :). Max
  11. I'm not 100% sure on this but when looking through the code i was using the other day which had frames. There was a tag in each frame tag that said 'scrolling='on'' (or off). Do a control/f on the source code and search it. Like i said not 100% sure though. Thanks, Max.
  12. Hmm i think thats the problem there's about 15 frames in the page :P. I'm using them to have two boxes, one bigger in the middle, one smaller on the right, so that you can scroll down just the content of those frames and everything else stays the same. I'll search through those tutorials now and see what comes up and also think about redesigning the page differently. Thanks again, Max.
  13. I'm not using tables or layers, i'm using frames. :- Maybe layers would be a better way to do it though? Can you maybe direct me to a tutorial on making a page with layers as i have no idea. Is there any way of doing liquid layout with frames? Thanks very much, Max. P.S. I cant link to the page as it isn't up yet, maybe later on i'll upload it somewhere quickly for you. :P
  14. Ok so i've designed this web site using photoshop and dreamweaver. I'm not exactly very experienced so i did it using frames. It looks fine in my resolution on Internet Explorer but on any other browser (firefox etc.) or any other resolution, it all goes muckety muck. I have looked at changing the pixel values to percentages but it just doesn't seem to work and as it's a reasonably complicated design is taking ages. Is there anything else i could do to sort the problem or is there a program i could download that would automatically change the px values to percentages? I've also tried designing it again in 800x600 but then, when i run the page in a higher res, instead of just going into the middle with space on the outside, it just goes all messed up and all over the place. How could i sort that out? So what would be my ideal solution and what would be the quickest and easiest way to do it? Thanks very much in advance, Max.
  15. Ditto that, hopefully now adobe have taken over macromedia there will be more syncronisation(sp.) though! Max
  16. Max Quinn

    What To Do

    If you really wanted to quit i don't think you'd be asking this question in a forum full of trials riders. (Y) Stick at it! Max
  17. Ok thanks everyone, one of my freinds is loking for a cheap mod so we may come to an arangement (as in he buys a T-pro or something and then we swap with money from me). Thanks, Max.
  18. Judging by the title maybe one of those "HTML for idiots" books would be good. They're stocked in most libraries so it won't cost you anything......unless of course your a bad boy and forget to take it back :S. Max
  19. Ok i'll measure the wheel later just to make doubly triply sure. I'd rather not sell it and get a new bike however as i only recently(ish) bought it for £60 and put hs33's on it. What frame and rear wheel would people recommend? Is it worth spending alot of money on a koxx or something? I'm not amazing right now ( the complete opposite :S ) but maybe that would be more sensible then buying a cheapish frame and then having to buy yet another one when and if i do get good. What dya all reckon? Thanks again, Max.
  20. Max Quinn

    Eastern front

    From the album: Max's pics

    Currently for sale.
  21. What rear wheel would you recommend for not too much? I have also read things about front freewheels when looking and wheels and don't have a clue about any of this, when getting a wheel would i have to make sure it wasn't a front freewheel one? Thanks, Max.
  22. From the album: Max's pics

    Currently up for sale, PM or email if interested.
  23. Right i have my T bird, pretty much standard (03 model i think) but with hs33's, and i was thinking of starting to upgrade some of the parts. I was simply wondering what parts i should upgrade (wheels, forks, bars etc...) and what particular parts i should go for. I can't spent squillions right now but could always save and wait if the particular part is expensive and worthwile. What do you all think? Thanks very much for your time. Max.
  24. Hi i have just been looking on some US BMX shops calculating how much it would be to do up my BMX and it ends up so much hceaper then over here including postage. On the site i was looking on it says: Does anyone have any idea if there would be any of these 'duties' and taxes if i got parts shipped from America to here (england) and how much they would be? Thanks very much, Max.
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