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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Well im pretty sure the 'standard' sprocket (yes i know it's not definate rules im just stating) for 13t freewheel would be 36 but i was running 33:13 for a while and it seemed fine to me, just a bit lighter but still easily rideable. Max
  2. Ok so i've finally got round to this and me and a few mates went around our local skatepark and highstreet in loadsa shops and got tonsa people! Expect an edit pretty soon! Got some threats and stuff aswell though (Y). Don't see why people are so embarrased and wont play along for the sake of fun. :D Max
  3. Well to a chav, 'You is so unsafe you is a fire hazard!'(in a mega exxagerated chavvy voice) is quite a fun one. Takes them a while to understand it aswell... Max
  4. Yay my vote for 'magyoura' makes it 29 all! When i first read the topic title though i thought it was about how your magura's where talking to you. (Y) :blink:
  5. Ok thanks very much mate, i'll keep Aldeburough in mind, if i just go and cruise aroudn Ipswitch dya reckon there's any chance of just finding riders? Is there that many or is it unlikely? Thanks again, Max.
  6. Noooooooooo. I bought one thinking the same thing once aswell, now i've just broken my second and am fighting for a refund or to be switched to a different model. The same thing happens to all of them, headphone jack goes all messy uppy. Max
  7. Hey im down in Orford on the weekend coming up (8th, 9th) an it's pretty near Southwold, Aldburough(can't speel that) an places round there where i know there is riders. So would anyone be up for a ride around there on either saturday or sunday. I could possibly travel to Ipswitch aswell as it's not too far but would rather not as it's a bit of a trek. So is anyone round any of those areas an feels like riding with a shitty, beginner mod rider? javascript:emoticon('(N)', 'smid_5') smilie javascript:emoticon('(Y)', 'smid_10') smilie EDIT: I can get to Framlingham, Haylesworth etc. aswell. Cheers, Max.
  8. Max Quinn

    Site Links.

    www.watfordriders.co.uk I'll put one to you up in a bitty. Thanks, Max. EDIT: Your link's up, www.watfordriders.co.uk then click on links to see it.
  9. Would be funny to ride but surely would just snap the headtube right off? :) Max
  10. Yer nice one mate looks good, the only thing i would say though is that the A and T on the word heatsink and the B on bikes are abit unclear where they mix with the black on the pads, maybe try and rearange that a bit and you're sorted in my opinion. Max
  11. Are you using only one finger on th brake? If not do thisnow, most people use their index finger so try that. If not then it's just practice i'm afraid. Good luck, Max.
  12. Where abouts in Hertfordshire do you live? I'm in Watford. Max
  13. Hehe ok then, your back looks funny :(. When i downloaded it though the download suddenly said it was finished about half way throuhg (it even jumped to say it had done 54204kb of 54204kb or whatever but it only plays to halfway through when i try and play it. Ill try and downloadi t agian now. Max
  14. Just downloading an i may edit when done but the main reason for this post was to ask if you knew how badly your arse is showing in the entry picture to your site? (i wasn't looking.......honest :D) So was that intentional or something? :P Max.
  15. I voted A but why not scrap the bottom row of drawers and have a shelf there instead. How about two little prongs on the side to wrap cables/strings round in a figure of eight shape? Just an idea. Max
  16. Yer i was thinking about this just the other day and i see a definate link there but also with other stuff like web design, photography, movie editing and graphics design. General art and media related stuff. Obviously very obvious links but still interesting all the same. Max.
  17. www.watfordriders.co.uk Thanks very much, Max.
  18. Max Quinn


    I'm guessing you mean 'buck rogers' by 'feeder'? Just thought having the name would help you in fiding it. (Y) Max EDIT: oops sorry i'm dumb, i thought you meant you wanted the song.
  19. Max Quinn

    Good Films

    I haven't read them all so i might be repeating but i can certainly back up whoever said crash and hero. The Green Mile is an awesome film to if you haven't seen that. I'm guessing you've seen the matrix series? If not there a must. That new one out is god aswell, 'The Island' or something. Hard to find a download though i'm guessing. Max
  20. Ditto, i used to be in the young magicians club (youth sector of magic circle) and speaking to magicians, David Blaine is actually ranked very low by them and even hated by some. What someone said earlier about if we could explain it we'd be famous, not true, i could explain it and even do most of them, just not as well and without that same mysteriousness. He's wierd and that makes the tricks more believable in my opinion. people want to believe it so they do. If you think his card tricks are good then you should see what some other magicians are doing, mindboggling stuff! :) People put alot of work into it. My twopence, Max.
  21. Anyone know where i can buy just a set of thin springs ofr an odyssey evolver without having to buy the whole 'extras pack' with a london mod and everything for £12. I juyst need springs.....I appear to have lost my thin springs, im pretty sure there's fat ones in there at the mo because it always feels slow and mega stiff. Anyone got some they could chuck in the post for a small fee? Thanks very much, Max.
  22. Wow i didn't know that, so i can actually run a 19" backwheel? I thought i needed a new frame, if i don't thats a great help! Max.
  23. That 'Kiss the Girls' film on last night. Was bloody good actually. Max
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