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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Ok you definately need one tool and you may need another. Firstly you need to get your crank arms off, you may need a crank exctactor for this, have you ever/recently taken your crank arms off? There's a few methods you can try if you haven't got the money for a crank extractor but if you have it may be worth it as there useful to have around, try getting your cranks off to see if you need one or not. Then you need a bottom bracket tool, just pop into your local bike shop and ask for one, make sure you get one that fits your particular bb (same with crank extractor, make sure it fits your crank and bb). So now you have arms off you use your bb tool and just fit it onto one side of the bb so that the notches line up and it fits snugly, then use a spanner to attach to the tool and undo the bb starting on the right side i think (someone verify or sorrect this?) as thats the side that the smaller part of the bb is on. Keep in mind that one side of the bb is opposite threaded so you have to turn it the opposite way (clockwise) to tighten it. I think right side is opposite threaded but again check this. Once you've undone both sides your done and should now have in front of you olld frame bb came off, 2 crank arms, one long but of bb with the axle on and one small piece. Hope thats helps a bit, it's really easy though as long as you have the right tools. Max.
  2. Are we mocking him? I think the guys amazing, respect to him. Max
  3. Max Quinn

    Pc Or Mac?

    I've got five sitting right here in front of me. Been playing about with it on an old pc ive put in my room and i love it! For me though it's very limited as my dad doesn't want me installing it on real pc so i have no web connection on it and a 2gb hard drive and shizzle. Still having fun playing aorund though, and it kicks all the OS's arses for random games pre installed. To get back on topic though i love the whole feel of the macs and there nice to use and good fun but to be honest there's plenty of things that would stop me getting one. Max
  4. Considering it's coming from someone sooo much older and wiser than me (i'm 15) your argument seems a bit hypocritical. I'll give you some examples. This is two sections of your original argument. You then go on to say this... So in you're forum no kids would be allowed to participate in a forum about a sport that alot of kids participate in? Seems a bit odd to me, especially considering the statements above it.... How about this next example... This is coming from the 'man' with a Mr. Men book in his avatar. Who's worse? There a few examples, and believe me i havent taken your post personally..............I'm just having fun here. Max
  5. Yep i had a creative Zen micro 5gb, It broke at the headphone jack, so did the next one i got on warrenty. But this is where your argument (in my POV) fails, i went to warrenty again and they said they would send me a new one as the headphone jack problem had been fixed (i didn't believe them at first but checked and this seems to be true) but i complaied anyway and said i wanted my money back. Next thing i know there ringing saying they will send someone to pick up the micro and replace it with a micro photo! This thing rules! Its the same size as the original micro, a tiny bit heavier but not noticeable, this is because of a reinforced headphone jack and other areas. It feels like a much stronger player. It has 8gb memory (remembering it can take more file formats that the ipods so i believe it songs can be compressed better). Many people have told me you can fit twice as many songs on 1gb of zen as you can on 1gb of ipod. So it'ssmaller that the ipod mini (i'm gonna compare it to this as it's the nearest ipod competitor) has more memory, better battery life, does photos, has a funky colour screen and stuff and comes with lotsa brilliant software. Things like cases and remotes have now been made easily available for creative products and are reasonably cheap. As far as i see it the only thing Ipods do better at is the fact that they have games (doesn't bother me in the slightest) and make you look like a sheep. Just my POV on the matter, Max.
  6. I'm trying to work out if it did or not, there's a photo next to the article of a mouse so presumably it's the same one? Looks unscratched though . Max
  7. Nice one! I've just done something similair for a vid i'm making but mine was much more rough (i half wanted it to look like that ) so it wasn't as hard. I've also animated it so it looks like the pictures being drawn on the spot. There awesome though the one with half cartoon and half photo rules! Max
  8. Ever thought that this might not soo much be a trials photo if you know what i mean? Well not with trials in mind anyway? Maybe its supposed to be an arty photo for an arty photography website? Max
  9. Only once and it's the only time i've ever pounched someone in my life. Never been punched either. Was riding through a park just as it started to turn dark on my BMX and in an enclosed alley bit two of 'em yanked my bars to stop me an started sayin 'Whatya doin' an stuff' i just tried to ride past and they kept grabbing me and the main talker said 'gimme your bike'. I said no so he took a swing and just swung short of my face (so that doesn't count) so i punched him right back. I'm not that strong or anything and i'm small but i felt it connect well and had the element of suprise so he went down. His freind kinda backed off and i rode as fast as i could for home. Felt strangely good after too, mega adreneline. Max
  10. Dunno how much of a help it is to you but theres a whole 4 page thread on bmx forum of 'what does bmx mean to you'. Obviously BMX but the same kinda things. I posted one on the last page aswell. The link is here. Max.
  11. Yep that's what i use and ther've been brilliant so far (been with them over a year, quite alot). The .co.uk is just £2.95 a year and thats with free cloaked or non cloaked domain forwarding. Also plenty of free email forwarding accounts you can set up. Max
  12. Arnold Billy-Night Comes down
  13. Max Quinn


    Bumpty, address of this monty warehouse anyone? BMX shops? Thanks, Max.
  14. It may be now but a few years ago everyone thought bunyhopping 44inches on a bmx was impossible (jus' an example, jus' watched the BMX backyard jam comp video) but now people do it. Humans evolve an stuff. Also as trials gets bigger more people get into the sport so more prospective CLS's etc. Just think there could be people out there who have the natural skill to be THE BEST but have never heard of trials in there life.... Max
  15. Max Quinn


    Yer cheers mate, no it's not so much that more that i'd be doing it on my mums credit card and i'm not sure if she's around tomorow. And your RHD point that's what i thought at first but trhey say RHS which presumably stands for 'right hand side' which is no different to the other ones. Cheers, Max.
  16. Max Quinn


    Hey i'm trying to order a replacemtn crnak arm for my profile bmx cranks. i was going to order from custom riders the exact link is here. It's the bottom right product and when i click on it i see that they only have in stock '175mm chrome right'. Now thats what i wantr but i also want it to be driveside and it doesn't say anything about any of them being driveside or about them not being driveside. Does anyone know? Are all right hand side profile bmx crank arms driveside? Was hoping to order tonight so cheers for any replies. Max.
  17. Pushing Daisies-Disagree
  18. Max Quinn


    Bump. Anyone? I've added a few people to MSn and Pm'd but no luck yet. Max
  19. Max Quinn


    Hello, I know it's a bump from the grave an all that but i'm going to Barcelona on Thursday and am looking for trials and bmx shops. Any more info on anyone? This warehouse and stuff? Also other general trials and bmx shops? Thanks very much, Max.
  20. A pot of honey and a bottle of Chilli Oil. There not useless because there both yummy but even so...a bit random? Max
  21. Wagamama cookbook (Yummy food recipies!), .net magazine, calander, chocies, a pot of honey , Bottle of Chilli Oil, some money, parats paid for my echo team frame as a joint christmas and birthday present. Max
  22. This thread jus' had to be bumped! One of the odyssey videos (i think the newest one) is on google videos, just do a search for it because i'm lazy and am off to bed. Enjoy, Max.
  23. Max Quinn

    Before Bed

    Ditto! Laugh all you want, reading actually calms me down enough to get to sleep and is awesome if you get the right books. I voted post in rubbish threads like this though because that's what i do beefooore i go read. Max
  24. Max Quinn

    Music Choice

    I think it depends what kinda tune the funny song actually has. Also how good of an editor you are because i reckon you need to be a pretty good editor to pull off a song like that. Good luck, Max.
  25. So you could up 4 pallets after 4 days? Woah ! Did you ride BMX or anything before? Nice one, Max.
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