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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Yer thats the one! Haha small world! I'm guessing you're going then? You know any more about it then i do? Times etc?
  2. Reading with sooo many people, should be awesome Then on the way back might try and pop into Get Loaded In The Park w/ The Streets, Pro Green, The Mitchells and some more which is on Clapham common that night. Pass through london anyway but doubt it will happen, would be mental if it did haha. None of the stuff on the last day of Reading tickles my fancy that much so might leave early to get to this. Underage festival in Victoria park on the 10th of August: Crystal Castles / Cajun Dance Party / Foals / Kitty, Daisy and Lewis / Johnny Flynn / Metros / Mystery Jets / Patrick Wolf / I was a Cub Scout / Pull Tiger Tail / The Rumble Strips / The Teenagers / The Young Knives / To My Boy / Vincent Vincent and the Villians / Xerox Teens. 29th June im on the guestlist for some random Warehouse Gig/Rave type thing with Prof Green (I think) and JME an stuff which will be mental. Theres something else i can't remember aswell. Shame i can't go Nass this year but it's cos im going to Canada with my bike so sall good . I cant wait for the summeeeerrrr!
  3. Haha thanks very much for that! Yer a few people have picked up on the disalignment Not too sure how to go about sorting it out but i'll just fiddle abit. And yer, i live in Watford but have a holiday home in Orford so go there with mates in the summer and stuff to ride the local trails and skateparks. You know how they are at the minute? Cos last time i went there they looked like they hadn't been riddin/touched in ages and werew really overgrown, i heard the two main builders (can't remember their names; both ride 24sevens) had gone to uni so they were pretty dead.
  4. A kinda recently finished photography portfolio site i made. Let me know what you think and feel free to shout with any bugs or anything you spot. Watford Photography I've never been much of a coder haha. Need to learn MUCh better code but too busy with GCSE's at the minute. Cheers, Max.
  5. How do you tell a girl that you really like her without making her uncomfortable because she's the most shy girl you've ever met?
  6. Nah sorry Partz but i dissagree. The cheapest 3CCD are the panny ones really at around £500? I just think he should start with 1CCD, if he just wants to document him an his mates progress like 80% of trials riders he won't need 3ccd. Only if he wants to seriously start making videos would i consider pushing to a 3ccd.
  7. Basically your pedaling along, and then to disengage the hub (enable it to freewheel backwards) you do a slight backwards pedal. It's not disengaged so you do your trick, roll along real far backwards , and then it's time to engage it again. To do this you simply put in a small crank, it will be like having no chain on for about 1/8th of a turn (called the 'slack') and then it will be engaged and give resistance and pedal as normal. On most freecoaster hubs this 'slack' can be adjusted. Although you may wonder why someone would ever chose a larger slack, it means that they dont assidentally engage the hub as easily- particularly when doing tricks such as a hop in the rollback. This would obviously flip them onto their back and if it's a high speed rollback could be very nasty . I have a KHE Geisha Street Freecoaster which is sort of leading the market and i love it to bits! I just snapped the axle but a new, redesigned and stronger axle is coming out in a few months so hopefully that should sort out the problem.
  8. While we're on the subject (and this deal may be of some use to some), how the HELL is this so cheap? http://www.dialaphone.co.uk/kelkoo/basket....tk2eof4yzmxwpy3 If you can't see the deal, its a k800i on the T-Mobile Flex25, that's usually £25 a month, and free insurance, free postage and all the usual....for £15 a month It's not one of these cashbacks either, just seems to be a straight monthly contract.
  9. Crickets in the hall as standard. Fire alarms going off everywhere. Getting police style 'Danger Asbestos' tape and 'Asbestons Hazard' signs we found and cordoning off a section of the school and then putting room change signs up next to it to tell pupils where there lessons will take place instead. Also other room change signs about the school, mainly pointing to rooms that also have room change signs on. Getting manaquins we found, dressing them in old school uniform and going in at night to stand them on the roofs etc. Some have been done already, some are getting done over the next few weeks, should be fun
  10. Just find an abandoned warehouse somewhere not too busy and then just go in. You'll find theres almost always a door been left/smashed open by other people so you can just walk in! We've built a few skateparks in them around us, usually plenty of wood and pallets about. As logn as your quite about it you should be ok, make sure you have a few exits if it comes to it though.
  11. Art through vandalism. Same for alot of trials/bmx/skateboard stuff i guess. I personally love Graffiti though, it just brightens up the street and turns a boring wall into something fun! I've started getting alot more into it recently and im going out with my first stencills soon. Houses, schools and churches take it too far though, only company or councill owned stuff really. I don't just like the art but also as a few have said the story behind getting there, how that drainpipe was used for access etc. and the guts and work that go into it. As for tagging, i see what you mean about the 'Dan Woz Ere 2007' thing, thats poo. But some tagging is really good, the flowy tagging in hard to get to places can be amazing. And learning to tag can be one of the first steps in gaining the skills for those massive pieces you see.
  12. Right i'm in 7.0 but it should be similiar: 1. Put one clip on top of the other and then select the clip that's on top. Go to the effects window and video effects. Under the 'Transform' seciton there should be a 'Crop' effect. Drag that onto the clip and then go to the effect controls. If you want to remove the right side of this image then just increase the numbers next to the text that says 'right' untill it's cropped enough. 2. Put that image on top of the video (and spread it ouyt the length you need) and then under the 'Video Effects' go to the 'Keying' folder. Drag the 'Chroma Key' effect onto the image and then go to the image controls. In the colour use the eye droplet to simply click on the green colour of your image which will make that colour transparent. 3. Just add more than one colour pass for different effects? I'm not so sure on that one.
  13. I have an Echo Team sitting in the garage but the front wheel is absolutely f**ked. Just been having too much fun on my BMX, especially since i got a freecoaster so never bothered sheeling out the cash for a new wheel. My BMX is out of action now though for at least another 2 weeks so i might find a cheap trials wheel and have a hop about. Is just no-one to ride trials with round here though whereas there's tons of bmxers.
  14. Max Quinn


    I voted Nano, i think 8gb is easily enough and i like small players I recently got the 2nd Gen Ipod shuffle though and this ting is AWESOME. Only 1gb but if you realy have a big music collection then just tell the computer to do a random sync every time you plug it in so it just fills it with 1gb of random tracks. I fill mine with albums though aswell, i don't find it hard to navigate as i just put if on shuffle, clcik forward till i get to a track of the album and then put it on normal run through to listen to the album For £55 aswell, an yeah espeacially for riding i'd much preferto have flash memory.
  15. I used to always think that and have have had my old nokia for ages. But with phone cameras hitting 3.2mp now for a cheap (ish) phone, and with one coming out with even a 5mp camera if you have the monies, i think it's starting to be worth it in my eyes. Probably getting either a k800i or a d900 on contract soon
  16. Good luck man, sounds harsh! Great to see you're putting a real brave face on it all though
  17. Wow. Some of the designs are awesome and yer when i saw the little poeple i thought they'd make perfect girls tee's aswell. What kinda streetwear you planning on doing? Just tees or what? I love the: ' All rights reserved / All wrongs reversed' aswell
  18. Loads of awesome artists posted about. Recently i tend to just browse myspace alot though and find some awesome randomers. From pro green's myspace for example i found chynaman and Jordan Miche and Plastician. Also try Plan B? Not really conventional hip hop but i'm branching out here cos all the others have been said I reckon you'll like em.
  19. Where did you see that? The only thing Alans says about pegs is: 'Plenty of peg clearance and the axle slot is long enough to actually allow you run the gear ratios you want to and tighten your chain to fit.' And like poopipe says they have a pegs rider on their team riding it and have obviously considered it and stuff. Cheers, Max.
  20. Ok cheers for that. I think i might have come across her on myspcae a few days ago was googling the frame for pics built up and came up with a few peoples myspaces with them on. I've not really a throw myself at stuff with pegs rider to be honest. While i run pegs at the minute i'm not a heavy rider an stuff. But then again i have been starting to do more streety stuff recently (feeble to smith, 180 feeble an 180 smith etc) and i do want the freedom to do that. But i think the pros outweight the cons really, i'll most likely end up getting it. It's either that, the fit hawk, sputnic salelight or Supers*** Light My Fire Frame but i'm definately leaning towards the Inertia.
  21. You got any more info on that Inertia than me? Im probably getting it soon, need to get hold of the January ride that had the review of it in, you got it? Sooo loght though, 4.45lb including headset, bb, tensioners and seatclamp . Just gotta get £60 more somehow.
  22. Max Quinn


    Not really because for alot of stuff tripods are by no means essential whereas you cant do anything in a car without wheels . But yer i just use mine for reasonably long exposure stuff, self portraits, sequences, filming and general landscape stuff that kinda doesn't really have to be that long exposure but tripod makes it easier.
  23. Max Quinn

    A Workshop

    Most stuff's already been mentioned but the thing that hasn't is just a cheap rubber mallet. Reeeaaalllyyy useful, means you don't either smack the shit out of cranks and steertubes trying to get them out or don't have to hold a hammer and a piece of wood etc. I got mine for £1 from Wilkinsons. It's the one tool i don't see any problem with buying cheap really.
  24. The thing that springs to me is a rob dougan track that was in the freerunning video with the two freerunners kinda chasing/running with each other, it was russian or something. Try that? Can't remember which song of his it was and might be completely wrong but o well.
  25. Repeats on sundays and tuesdays isn't it?
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