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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Serves you right for breaking windows an attracting attention while you've got cans But honestly i'm pretty sure they can't do you for graff unless your caught red handed or on CCTV. As for the windows, tell them it's all part of growing up
  2. IMO it was made more then a Christian celebration when they gave every kid in the country a school holiday etc etc. It's a national celebration. Could just as well call it 'England Day' for all i care
  3. Man i love christmas Chance to spend a few days with the fam and not feel like i'm missing out on stuff as majority of mates are doing the same. Get some dollar. Lovely meal. Get drunk. Two and a half weeks off school. Ritual christmas and boxing day BMX ride with a few mates riding as many of the marble ledges and good spots that are usually tight on security as we can. Everyones in a good mood. Means it's only a few days to new years eve. Boxing day/January sales straight after. Christmas parties. Funy old films on tv Sis back from uni As you can tell, i'm as excited about christmas as ever . Mind you reading through a thread full of all you grinches put a bit of a downer on it Hahahahaha.......amen.
  4. Oh yer i saw this. I doubt it's a con as i've seen it advertised in a few mags and stuff. I think i'm gonna get one and if the ads are too much of a pain i'll just save it for calls and text when i run out of credit or whatever.
  5. I'm game once you got the details. Think i'll have to get my dad or summat to write me a check though. Anyone know if i can transfew money from a Nationwide 17year old account?
  6. Yer that stuff is amazing Bren Like i say i'm interested in it and would love to read an article about it or two in design magazines. But i'm just not involved enough in it to read a magazine with the majority of content being architecture. As for blogs, i've got alot that are on design/art//architecture/photography etc, heres a few just copied off bloglines: http://intelligence.arkitip.com/ http://www.itsnicethat.com/ http://www.mumblemagazine.com/ http://swindlemagazine.com/ http://www.wearehomegrown.co.uk/blog/ http://mediastorm.org/blog/ http://2modern.blogs.com/ http://www.designobserver.com/ http://www.designers-who-blog.com/ http://blog.defgrip.net/ Not all of them may be that good but it's just stuff i've accumulated over time
  7. Oh my god. Anything i think so say seems meaningless. RIP man.
  8. Yer that seems to be my problem with a fair few mags in that kinda category. They all seem to focus on architecture and interior alot and although i appreciate that i'm not into it enough to buy a magazine on it. I haven't read an Icon yet, cheers i'll pick it up next time i'm in borders At the minute i choose a random new design/art/photography magazine in their every week haha.
  9. Haha im waiting to see how long it takes Charlie to make a pdf to mimic that cheese packet and how he f**ks it up That CD on body print i posted earlier along with the booklet and inlay designs etc were sent to the duplicators today for our young enterprise company (www.myspace.com/amplocal). If all goes to plan those CDs should be in Watford HMV soon Does anyone in this thread read design magazines or similair stuff? What do you read? I love reading magazines and wanna expand my range. At the minute i mainly read bmx, photography, art and lifestyle stuff.
  10. Was rad2themax Now Max Quinn (I hope)
  11. That episode 11 was awesome The actor who plays Nikki obviously wanted out though, or reckon she'll be saved by blood like everyone else seems to be haha?
  12. Not too bad. But the striped background looks like a granny sailors wallpaper, and the content section looks like one big button. The first screen people see before scrolling down is very blank and just has text which doesn't show off design at all. 'Hello all, this is my funky website' makes it sound like your about 5 years old. Do more graphics pieces before making a portfolio about it. Two pieces just seems amateurish. Take a wider variety of photos, the photos on their look like they could almost all have been taken on one day out. Read up on photography and study photos as much as possible to. Try and develop more creative angles and use more interesting subjects in general. Some of those photos could have been family snap shots. Theres a big space below the 'Graphics' header but not below the 'Photography' one. Little things like that are what ruins the flow of a website. As said get rid of the crap at the bottom. The big watermarks on your photos aren't really necessary. Go for a similair style but in one of the corners, no ofence but if someone was going to steal photos they could steal photos from alot better photographers. Try not to post a website if it's still under construction. Someone going their now won't be impressed enoug to bother going back. It's just a touch too wide for my screen. What size did you design for and did you take into account scroll bars taking up space etc? The name seems very unoriginal and unproffesional. Just my 2p
  13. Same name at roughly the same time has happened twice in this thread now Maaaddd one.
  14. Kings of Leon are SICK live. Saw them at Reading and all their tunes were just so epic. Awesome stuff. Shits prettyy good. Reccomend some more hip hop/grime from mates that i wouldnta heard of? Again, Maximo park are awesome live too. Seen them twice an that never gets old. I'm mainly into Hip Hop and grime. Uk Stuff mainly: Jehst, Task Force, Black Twang, Phi Life Cypher, Brother Ali, Skinnyman, Chynaman, Foreign Beggars, Plan B, Example, Braintax, Klashnekoff, Akala, Marvin The Martian, Lavs Lab, Roots Manuva, Sage Francis, Wordsmith etc etc Thats where my love lies but i also like indie alot. Go to alot of local live indie gigs and i'm pretty involved with the live music scene around Watford.
  15. Awwweeesome night Just got back and still feeling the beers ALOT haha. Now listening to Examples new song woop!
  16. Some stuff for our Young Enterprise company. Need work but it's a start: Website/Myspace header- this has since been redone to the blue background orange highlights theme of the disk art but i can't be arsed to upload it. Disk Art
  17. Max: Short for "Maximilian", a russian name meaning "Large Penis." "they dont call him max(Maximilian) for nothing!" Hahaha woop!
  18. Awesome I wasn't really feeling the reggae at the start at all but right from the Dizzee track it just got better and better! Great mixing but i think there was a few spots where it didn't quite sound right, i'll try and pick them out when i have more time; might just be me being stupid though. Man i feel like i say the same thing every time in your threads but the mixes really are excellent
  19. Coincidence i was actually gonna go to that date (its jus round the corner) but now i'm busy with a mates birthday Woulda loved to try and blag photography too.
  20. One of my favourites so far! Apart from maybe the hip hop one but thats just because im a hip hop head. I have no idea why i liked it so much it just clicked. I'm not even usually that into this dirty house stuff either. Glad to see you've got it back and everythings starting to fall into place Good luck with the job.
  21. Hahahaha, for some reason i was about to post 'is it CJSkate' just before i read your reply saying it was He's just doing it too annoy you now. Same as for all his comments about Macs etc, he just wants to work up a reaction and finds it 'fun' thinking hes really clever and not realising anyone would just outsmart him to a pulp if they gave much of a shit. Ignore EDIT: to be fair though he has toned down the whole mac bumming recently Keep that up at least charlie
  22. Indie, DnB, Grime, Hip Hop. Under Indie i kinda also included some of the more rocky stuff (Kings of Leon etc) as i have no idea what that is.
  23. Hhhm, decided to have a lax night as i've been getting a teensy bit too smashed recently an got back late last night. Was going to just go out on the BMX and chill at some street spots/skate park with a few brews and maybe take some photos but now it's all wet so i cant Probably just stay in and go out later for a bit to see some people.
  24. Max Quinn


    Hahahahahha, made me laugh at least. I think at the minute i just believe they'll be nothing, sure it's hard to comprehend but however much i try i just can't force myself to believe in some sort of afterlife. If there is then i'd go for ghosts or some sort of parallel universe very similair rather then any heaven or hell.
  25. Murs- A Friends Blues (It's the soundtrack to this video) Always just grabs my attention and makes me think. I think the words are quite fitting for a funeral too. Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet- The Requim for a Dream Theme Tune (can be heard here) It's just soooo powerful. Awesome tune.
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