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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Everyone i'd just like to quickly announce something! Theres no point turning up at the on monday because i've already phoned the police and told them theres a 1% chance of some mugs fighting like pansies at that time so they're putting a patrol out. Or I told them if not they can always arrest them for riding on walls an shit on funny bikes
  2. Go to search, type 'happy thread'. Do filter by member name to your name. Limit it to Chit Chat. Select 'Search titles only' hhen select 'Show results as posts'. There might be some other stuff mixed in but it's the best way i can think of. Dunno if it will work or not
  3. Max Quinn


    Bit of a bump but seemed like a good place. Anyone know where else i can get these in that colourway? A similair price would be nice too
  4. Yer sounds good man Just gimmie a PM with your number or something a week or so before you come an i'll round people up. MSN is rad2themax@hotmail.com aswell We usually ride there at night (always seem to end up mainly riding London in the early hours for some reason ) and have been there a few times for 2 hours or whatever no problems. The locals didn't seem to think we'd get chucked out or anything either.
  5. Max Quinn


    RIP man. Always seemed so sound on here
  6. Watford people could probably make the trip in so we've got a bit of a gang Mark is also always riding London an around. If all else fails; go to Southbank on a semi busy day, chat to a few riders there and often they'll be well up for coming for a street ride. On the subject of finding southbank, it's literally just round the corner from Waterloo station. And is on the main touristy bit of London, it's under the National Theatre and just a bit West from The Tate. Riding along that river bank you can't really miss it cos they'll be loadsa tourists crowding round watching an stuff. When you coming?
  7. I've had that for f**king ages Some days it's fine and then others it just goes up to 2 seconds with no sound and then stops (even though the loading ahead bar carries on). I end up just copy pasting them into IE. Reeaallly annoying. My dad has made up some conspiracy theory that it's something Microsoft put in their codecs/operating systems
  8. Just been to NASS which was awesome. Going to Reading. Going to Underage festival for a laugh lol Really wanted to go to Zoothousandand8 but i'm away Going to Hip Hop Festival. Think i'm goign to Global Gathering Probably RipCurl Boardmasters o2 wireless but not for the whole thing. Now to see how many of those i can blag free press passes for
  9. Max Quinn


    They are butt ugly. For casual i'd put in another vote for Adidas. Any colourway you like of Superstars, Stan Smiths, Gazelles or Forest Hills. For riding i've always liked the feel of orchid, i hate the look of jus about all skater style shoes though to be honest, will probably get a pair of black adidases to try riding in (cos all my white ones will jus f**k up super quick lol).
  10. Lmao! Trust Fatty, he's a badaman from the ghetto
  11. For anyone who can't live without the mouse gestures add on (they're not officially compatible yet) just follow this crafty guide an it works perfectly
  12. Got you with my really clever joke Watch it again and watch out for Plan B. He has two bits in it. In both of them all he does is his signature smuggled laugh after an awkward pause of about 10 seconds. He is one of the main actors. This is going to be veeerrryyyy funny. At least he is in a film where less acting skills are required then looking ard an being from the ghetto skills though ... I know i'm breaking all the club rules (and more if the observant among you check the wiki late night thread page) but i thought i would actually do (my first?) post in this thread, i feel allowed cos i only got 1 hour sleep during the whole of NASS (and that was the first night) so went 62 hours with 1 hour sleep.
  13. I used to play alot. Been through 2 clubs. Was quite a solid little right back i guess. Started every match for a club that was high in the 2nd of 5 leagues in our (very big) area. Completely stopped enjoying it when i progressed into the age and leagues where it started to get really competitive. Just got bummed out on it an wanted to ride my bike. At this point i basically hated anything that put more strict routine into my life so quit all the sports i did really (used to swim for county and train 4 mornings a week etc aswell but stopped that. Still play all the time with mates. One of my mates plays for Chesham and is semi pro and another is in the England youth program (he'll definately get dropped soon when they start laying everyone off but still shows he's a quality player). So as you can imagine they play alot so i end up playing alot with them. Still love the game but just hate the cheating, diving, pushy dads and general competitiveness that come with it. Grown up supporting Liverpool cos my Dad is from their but through mates who are big Watford supporters (where i live) have been to a fair few games so i would kinda say i support them more than Liverpool now. I have a vested interest in both but aren't a massive supporter for either. Holland look good for Euro atm. Just look like the most stylish team and look like winners when alot of the others don't seem to.
  14. Nooootthhiiinngg. In fact, the journey to NASS and the first eve at NASS wen't smooth as smooth can be. Mate i got a lift with turned up in a car. It wasn't his. He had written off his old one and got a courtesy car. It was the lushest Merc i've ever been in. Drove to NASS in sttyyllleeee with a beer in hand. Got my press pass easy enough. Managed to get alot of beer and vodka in despite the organizers saying there was no chance anyone could. Music sets were good. Got battered. Had a laugh. Perhaps one unlucky thing happened. During Pendulums set some mug in the mosh who got pissed cos i accidentally knocked him over bottled me with a Grolsch bottle But it turned into a lucky break as he was too smashed to hit that hard and the bottle didn't smash and just left a bruise. About 3 people completely unrelated to me also flattened him after seeing this. Also, my press wrist band snapped off and they had none left to replace it so gave me a rider wristband instead. That means access to the riders area. That means free Relentless, Nandos, Hot tub, Massage rar rar rar. Swwweeettt. Suck on that bad luck!
  15. Cheers man Doing all my research into unis atm and am strongly looking towards Graphic Design/Communication so it's good to know. Which unis have you appled to?
  16. Way to busy, it would have to be the bottom text or the top text imo. And the top text is too wide i reckon, would get tangled in the folds of the arms etc and just generally looks odd. EDIT: Also to all the people doing text that folds round the side or is at the bottom corner etc. I'm not sure how Steve is printing or who with etc but it would surely be more expensive to print like that? Hense why i thought he was after something simple in the middle of the tee?
  17. Awesome stuff Glynn. The whole thing looks like a really cool setup. Out of interest, which uni dyou go to?
  18. Rowly mentioned a fair few about a page back? And Mike another one just then? mega pro: YOUR FRIENDS DO IT!
  19. Copied straight off some google result which is lots of link for making money quickly? He sounds alot like a forum spambot lol
  20. Buuummmppppp. But it's this friday haha. So who's definately going? I now have a press pass waiting for me on the door woop! Mark did you take up those press passes offered? I have yet to sort a lift but alot of local skaters are going so may be able to blag it with them. If not, anyone up for training it from London or letting me chuck in some petrol dosh?
  21. Last summer a corner shop near me where doing three 24 crates for £20 Beeaaassttt.
  22. I'm also interested in this I have fairly high prescription glasses but never wear them cos i can't be bothered. It would be quite useful to have contacts for work etc though. Putting something in your eye seems pretty wierd/scary to me though :$ On that site linked above say, which ones would be the best to go for? Bearing in mind i have no experience on the matter. Are the monthly ones best? Is it worth going for expensive ones, is there a massive difference? I thought expensive cos it's not really something to f**k about with but the cheap ones may be just as good?
  23. I wasn't going to reply because i think others have already argued that point pretty well. And i know that you weren;t trying to single me out but i'd like to say that i haven't once even stated my opinion in this thread so can't be bullying people into it or whatever I've merely pointed out corrections in what other people have said when someone has said something blatantly wrong etc. Like someone who said dealers involvedi n drugs probably aren't clever enough or whatever, which is just a blatant assumption and i think people might find that if they met any dealers they would realise that's bull. For the record, i don't do 'drugs' (as in the conventional, pills, weed etc etc) myself. Alot of my friends do but it's just never felt 'right' to me. I've never looked at a pill i've been offered and thought, 'yer i really wanna try that' otherwise i would have straight up. But it seems to me that the people pointing out the negatives of drugs are the ones with the biased viewpoint in this thread? There often isn't reasoning or experience behind any of the arguments and that's what i think is a bit wierd. Sure, have your own opinion, just make sure it's YOUR opinion rather then that of that grey haird Mr Page guy that taught a few half arsed PSE lessons during registration in year 8. Funny Fact: 2 of the main drug dealers round these parts are BMXers Make of it what you will.
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