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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Roady dodging and bike crowd weaving > Normal london crowd weaving. And that says alot cos i love tanking through crowds of pedestrians.
  2. I might do it with a few mates on BMXes Will be a laugh. Plus we rode around 25 miles round London the other evening in about 4 hours just going to spots
  3. For me it was the complete opposite I quit after GCSEs cos i was so bored of f**king databases. I think they just occasionally throw websites in cos kids jump straight on it right away seeing it as 'the fun bit'.
  4. Funniest post on here in ages. EDIT: Oh and about that 2012 thing. To be honest i think the fact that theres adverts on the website about it saying "Get your supplies. Be ready for the end! www.2012supplies.com" or something similair just shows how much it smells like a field full of male cows.
  5. Basically he wants to create a forum and advertise it on here so he's trying to lie his way around the rules ok? Just leave him alone
  6. I'm preeetttyy sure he was joking haha
  7. Dave i don't wanna knock you but you don't seem like the most technically minded computer person so i wouldn't reccomend you use Ubuntu. It will just make every day life harder mate.
  8. The world needs more commentators like that!
  9. Your right, Watford smashes Manc anyday But seriously, see that little yellow man doing a naughty thing at you? It means i'm having a laugh
  10. Anyone going to see mr unknown band play in the depths of Watford soon? Oh no, why don't i make a topic
  11. Ok, Whois tells us that it's owned by 'Countrywide Business Alliance' so lets follow that trail. This may provide a different number if you go down that route Also, have a read of this guys profile. AdvanceMe's website is here. I have no idea why they would be taking money from you unless you've had dealings with them but at least you have a bit more info. Maybe there email will give more luck cos i guess the countrywide email would have shut down or stopped being looked at long ago when that name changed. All seems reeaalllyy wierd though
  12. Baaamm For reference, whois.net has at least some details on every domain.
  13. Who the f**ks arm is that on the left holding the magners? Am i stupid It cant be gingers cos he can't put his own arm over his shoulder like that. It can't be baldys cos i can see both his arms. It can't be yours cos that would be massive. It cant be the girls cos it's all hairy.
  14. Max Quinn

    The Room

    Couldn't get it up Isn't it funny that Jons been in here 3 times all with seperate people. MAN SCCHHLLAAAGGGGGGG.
  15. To me that's a bit like getting a tatoo thought up by someone else. Can you draw? What kinda things you into?
  16. If it's an inner city motorway underpass filled to the brim it will definately be pretty f**king deep. Dunno about 40 foot though.
  17. Coouurrssee im goin Will camp in brown, orange was good last year but dunno if it's even there last year? And brown is good anyways cos the other half of our group camped there, crossing of orange and brown is where most of the 'riots' where haha. We got earlybirds aswell (can go on wednesday) cos theres looooaaaddsss of us (like, 50) an we wanna camp near everyone but probably wont happen. Was a bit sceptical about the lineup at first but it's better now and i've warmed to it. Gonna be siiiiick
  18. In my old house (when i was <10) i had a civilisation at the end of the garden. I had a hollybush with a tree up the middle an we cut the middle out so it was a base with 2 doors (with camo nets over them) and a rope ladder up to a tree house in the middle. Then a zipline to my garage roof then a walkway to another tree. I wish i had photos
  19. Max Quinn

    The Olympics

    It was on the coverage after the diving. They were diving badly and apparently the 14 year old called his mum before the last dive all upset while the 19 year old was saying it wasn't over yet. The 14 year old 'had a pop at him' although i'm not sure quite what he meant by that. So then the 19 year old said this publicly after and said 'he (14 year old) was really nervous on the day, he had more nerves on the day and that's what counts' Jelous much?
  20. Eeerr, i read the whole thing carefully And i'm not sure if anything but the first lines of that were to me because it's pretty irrelavant. It's hardly unique though is it? I'm sure alot of biking styles can boast a move as unique and original as that. Fact is, trials bikes or not if you want to go up an object sideways you hop and shift sideways. I've done it on my bmx and seen people do it on any sort of bike that can get off the floor. It's skilful and impressive but i don't think it's in any way unique or original reaaally.
  21. I thought they were something to do with being dyspracsic or something where you cant judge distances? It may often go hand in hand with Dyslecsia though i have no idea.
  22. The Circus is actually serious in any of his posts? Yeah I think you have that one right.
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