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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Man up and do it, otherwise you'll just be sitting around wanting to do it and won't really enjoy this 'friendship' anyways.
  2. She's just asking for sympathy/you to say she's pretty. If you're a sucker just say she's not ugly but when birds are being like that i try my hardest to not give them the satisfaction
  3. Just to say a massive thanks to everyone Got a 98 Fiesta 1.25 Zetec just the other day. Loads of great advice in here so cheers. Hhhmm, now i'm just mulling over audio options haha.
  4. Funny how people still try and be macho in an anonymous poll Haha, nah i wouldn't cry. But with the ammout of work i've put into it i'd be reeaaallllyy f**ked off. In fact i almost did lose my coursework last year, found it in the end.
  5. Tinsel Town in Hamstead Heath is the posh nice expensive one that all the jewish kids go to haha. Well nice though A Shakeaway just opened in Watford too, haven't been there yet though.
  6. I was talking to Mike on msn about this last night for aaagess. This is in relation to Vinyl stuff as that tickles my fancy but may as well post what he said anyways Decks: Make sure they have direct drive. Avoid cheap Numark stuff. Stanton T-60 are good entry level decks for around £120 each if you look about. Mixers: 3 band EQ is what you want, 2 channel is fine (so the mixer will be 3 band, 2 channel). Avoid cheap KAM or Behringer stuff. Denon DNX100 is good. Found this 2 deck, mixer and headphones deal that Mike agreed is a good buy to get started. The decks alone would come to £240 (at least) and your getting a 3 band mixer (worth £90 or so) with them + headphones for an extra tenner. Sites: Djdeals.co.uk DV247.com He also mentioned a set of cd tables that are cheaper then CDJ's (what all the pros use lol) and still good. Can't remember the name but i'm sure he'll be in here himself soon
  7. Can't you have a sly pickup point like blue tacked to the underside of a bench or summat? I've always wanted to do that But the 'contact' might be watching you to see who it is an jump out so make sure you get a mate to go pick it up slyly by sitting on the bench. Then they can slyly walk past another mate an slip it to them an then they can put it in another undisclosed pick up point for you I guess this all pins on the 'contact' being willing to entertain my spy games
  8. That place is shiiittt. Used to employ half the dicks in Watford (read: 3 dicks, so a small percentage but there we go) untill they went under and movd out to Amersham to take advantage of all the old ladies out there instead
  9. The name is pretty sweet though to be fair.
  10. From recent experiences, stay away from Overclockers. Spent alot of money on a PC from them and it had been put together reeaaallllyy poorly meaning the graphics card had ripped itself out of the motherboard f**king both up. Nothing was tight etc. So then they picked it up and said a new one would be here next day and nothing arrived for a week so we phoned and they hadn't 'got round to' replacing the components on the old one yet when they said they were sending a new one. Still nothing weeks later after speaking to the manager who promised it would be here etc so eventually asked for a refund which took a while. I'm sure others have been fine with them but as far as i'm concerned you can only judge a company once something goes wrong.
  11. On the lasoo tool there's a 'feather' configuration or summat which basically fades it in. If that's set too high it will cause that. Could be that, could be something else but worth a try
  12. Phew, was scared you were gonna say it was some sort of growth you're really para about or something.
  13. Nah something is definately full on f**ked there. Zoom in a bit and look at the cheek. Funny shadow
  14. I got bottled at NASS and it didn't break and wasn't bad at all. Barely a bruise, don't know what all the fuss is about Haha but seriously the guy must have been off balance, massively monged out or just a massive pussy.
  15. The Watford shopping centre still hasn't even put up it's rediculously early Christmas decorations and the high street lights and people usually start batting on about it loooong after that. I've still got my birthday to worry about before then
  16. Yer you seem to have the same trust nothing attitude as my dad Which i guess is good, but i want a bloody car lol I'm just afraid i'll go for this and then regretting not having a bit more patience. The rub strip he said 'only just came off today so i'll knock some money off for that obviously'. Bit wierd And yer the windows were tinted before his brother got it so about 6 years ago. Which is kinda good i guess cos whatever boy racer that put them on certainly couldn't have had it long (1998) or driven it very far (currently 69k miles). Have the wing mirrors been changed? I can't even tell haha.
  17. Yer has all the service and MOT history going way back. He's had it three years for his first car then his brother had it as his first car before that and then 2 owners i think it was before. Had a few little things done to it on various MOTs and he's put new brake pads on recently. Oo one thing i forgot to mention is the tyres. The front two are really new and the same make. The back two are both different makes and seem in good condition but are off a car that was being scrapped at his work Fair enough though i guess, they have alot of tread left on them so i'd do the same. The spare one however has no life left in it at all. Engine didn't seem to knock or anything. Dad just thought he could have made it race to make it start easier or something? This all only came after he said he's a mechanic though so could be just paranoia. To be honest, getting a £200 check on a car i'm spending £400 on seems a bit silly you know? Cheers for the help man
  18. Right, i went to see this 106 yesterday evening with my dad. We didn't come away with it but it's really close so can go back and get it. He went down to £450 fairly easily and has nowhere to store it so i reckon we can get it for £400. But we had a few concerns: Smallish dent on the back of the car right in the middle on the very bottom of the boot. Smallish dent in the front of the passenger door. Smallish dent just in front of that. Superficial scrapes on front right bumper. The strip that goes along the side of the car to prevent scraping had come off (the front left section of it) which i'm not really bothered about but i guess shows how it was driven. Did it's MOT only a few days ago, but the guys a mechanic and it was done at his garage. How easy would it be for him to just be a bit lenient on stuff? Dad seemed to think the engine was racing but he's hardly a mechanic. Positives: Long MOT Interior was spick and span Generally looked like a tidy car from the outside Cheap Cheap to ensure Fairly low mileage for the price (69k) What you think? Steer clear or ok for the price? For £400 on a 98 car with fairly low mileage i'm not too worried about dents and stuff but just don;t know
  19. Nah theres 13 one way, its the point of it isn't it? Kinda has an extra one that uses sneaky bits of others to make it up. Is pretty clever.
  20. Not alot of point reccomending cars to be honest cos i don't want something further than about 20 miles away Cheers though. Chunky, get your f**king questions out of my thead! Haha only joking CIS and Quinn both seem the best so far for me
  21. Cheers for all the help people Particularly PistonHeads, found a few cars on there that look allright, opens it up a bit at least. Didn't think of Focuses either, cheers. I'll keep you all updated haha.
  22. Woah! Thanks very much both of you. Cheers for the in depth info Trials Punk (Kev yer?) Some good stuff to look out for and confirmed stuff about the 2 cars you would knock off the list for me. What you said about autotrader though...where else online is good to look? I scout the car dealers round me but theres never anything and i don't really know how else to find cars to be honest. I can't really just drive to loadsa dealers cos Mum and Dad both work and don't wanna ferry me around non stop haha. Cheers matt I am searching for them too but they just seem harder to find in this price bracket. Insurance on the Golfs seems higher (due to the generally bigger engines i'm guessing) and polos seem to come up less. I'll bear it in mind though, cheers man.
  23. Disclaimer: Ok so to start with, i know we've had these topics before and i'm sorry. But i need some advice and people come to Trials Forum for all sorts of shit so i figured, with the ammount of car enthusiasts we have on here, advice on a car is fairly relative in comparison . Would be awesome if people could help me and i'm very thankful Basically, i'm looking for my first car I've been searching on autotrader mainly and after numerous setbacks, and cars being sold from right under my fingers, i've got a little list of cars i like which is here: 1993 RENAULT CLIO RT 1.4 I really love the look of this car and it seems well looked after, but the mileage is putting me off. Do you think it's too high? Are Clio RT's pretty long wearing? Also i reckon i could bargain down but do you think she's asking a bit much? 1999 RENAULT CLIO 1.4 RT Newer and still just about within my budget, but the main thing about this one is that i kinda hate the boot shape of the newer clios. But do you think the newness of this car would be worth it? 1994 RENAULT CLIO RN 1.4 Pretty similair to the first one but less miles and cheaper. I prefer the RT shape from those pictures but can anyone tell me the proper differences? I can't seem to find it anywhere. 1999 PEUGEOT 106 1.1 XN More expensive but is the low mileage and relative newness worth it? I like the car. 1997 P Reg CITROEN Saxo 1.1i SX Cheap and low mileage but no MOT. Am i likely to have to pay an arm and a leg to get it through? What should i look out for when buying a car with no MOT? FORD FIESTA 1.3 Looks ok but shit listing with no mileage etc. So basically, could people in the know have a look at them for me, please, and rank them or just say which stand out as good and crap, all things considered? Or if people just have general opinions on those cars or any dirt on any of them that's gonna put me off? Thanks soooo much for any help in advance
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