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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. You know the people who voted yes prrooobbaaably aren't actually called Luke right?
  2. Stolen? That's not a dig by the way, just curious if someone my age actually bothered to pay for something that costs such a stupid ammount Not saying you stole it by the way, just somewhere along the line?
  3. Just bitter cos no-one wants to make a birthday topic about you? I don't usually bother with these but seeing as i'm here, happy birthday
  4. I've yet to even try on a pair i can even get past my bulging thighs
  5. Straight up gangsta homie*! *Replace with racist N word if applicable.
  6. Haha, included in case you broke your wrist while knocking one out or something Will be funny if his science teacher sees that.
  7. f**k that just do it. I don't see it as being morally wrong at all as long as your using your own common sense and making sure the bike is fully abandoned. And don't take it too far like 'Oooh someones nicked the seat of that bike they've abandoned it now i'll have it.' I wouldn't really worry too much about getting caught to be honest, as long as your not a bumbling idiot you'll be suprised how much you can get away with at night. Rob: you ever downloaded a song, driven with one hand on the wheel while taking a sip of drink, walked across land where your tresspassing, riden on the pavement? I guess so, we can't blindly live exactly as the law says all of our lives.
  8. Max Quinn


    Haha fair play. But yeah, i generally book design appointments with consultants who as far as i'm aware give few discounts (apart from the ones i mentioned). But if someone knows what they want i can also order kitchens there and then for them, and i'd be f**ked if i gave them a 40% discount, it's just unheard of unless they have serious issues an take it up with a manager an all that. Technically even the design consultants operate under that same arrangement.
  9. Max Quinn


    Not alot to be honest. I have no idea how it's effecxting the company as a whole but on the shop floor i'm not really noticing people buying less kitchens, my commision is going up if anything but i guess that's just luck and experience. And the tight times just means less discounts really. We don't allow haggling unless the product is damaged or whatever, but theres always different offers on. We've had £1 kitchen doors, 40% off everything on kitchens an 15% off everything in stores etc which is how the powers that be are dealing with it i guess.
  10. Max Quinn


    Part time sales assistant on the kitchen section in B&Q. I sell kitchens haha Also do a fair few photo/graphics/web jobs, some on regular contracts, some not.
  11. No it's to know when your LEGALLY sober enough to drive, not when you're sober. Aitkin wasn't doing anything illegal not wearing a helmet, neither are you by driving only slightly pissed, but you're both slightly stupid. I never wear a helmet unless forced to (supervised parks an stuff) so all I can say is i was overjoyed when i heard this and wish him a speedy recovery as he's a legend
  12. Flickr has been flawless for me Just ignore all the groups an shit on their and use the flickr uploaded program and it's a really quick, easy and good quality way to upload.
  13. Good plan, carry fireworks to shoot at them To be honest i reckon they're nothing to worry about. If they were gonna come all 'armshouse' with knives/friends they'd have done it the first time when you arranged to meet them. The ones that chat shit the most tend to not do alot. And don't worry about his dad too much, he's locked up so can't exactly do alot. And it's not like his Al Capone or something is it, he was just enough of a dick to carry/use a machete. That's probably bullshit anyway as you said 'apparently' and stuff like that always gets hyped up. He probably stabbed someone in the shin with a corkscrew or something.
  14. Hhhmm, sounds a bit too argumentative to fly with most girls to be honest Stupid phrases like 'that's not the point' and 'this is about you stop trying to change the subject' spring to mind.
  15. Meh, at least it's out the way and you actually know rather than fannying about wondering Now you can move on elsewhere. EDIT: I don't mean to sound so unsympathetic haha, just no point stressing about it now and i honedtly think you're in a better situation now then you were before.
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