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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Exactly, i'm not really considering it to be honest. Is just whack that it pans out like that. Things were looking good till I found that out haha.
  2. Was getting with a FIT bird the other night, who by some stroke of luck was actually really nice and good to talk to. Found out later on that she's 2 (school years) younger (atm is 15 and i'm 18) which i just don't think i'm happy with to be honest. Kinda struck a chord when she said she's good friends with one of my best mates little sister haha, and i know i'd back him up if someone my age ever got with her and he was bothered about it. GCSE's also seem like a massively long time ago an i know i've changed alot since then. Sucks balls
  3. Can't pay the rent with razors buddy Can't even pay the petrol fees.
  4. I got a 24 crate of John Smiths in the Tesco pikey reduced section the other day for £2, cos someone had nicked one can I hate John Smiths but oh well.
  5. I f**king love threads like this. A load of teenagers completely ignorant to anything outside their own little bubble spouting off about what they'd do better if they were in power. Pashley going on about the good old 50s when he was just a likkle yute an everything
  6. Haha sick, will be loads of us on it. Any ideas where it even goes from yet? Heathrow?
  7. The light from her iphone screen would ruin her stealthy camouflage gettup when she hides in that bush outside your window.
  8. Pleaaaasseee come to Wakford Gordie
  9. About 50/60 of us going again woop! All got early birds again so will be another FAT campsite. At the end of the day, who even cares who's playing haha. Probably about 4 of my all time top 10 amazing moments/funny stories are from Reading haha. f**king scam on the early birds though. You have to get a coach to get early bird tickets so costs another £40 or so for a coach from London! Ahh well, will probably blag a press pass an then make a mint off my ticket nearer the time I actually like the line up this year aswell. I thought 2 years ago was sick an the last years lineup was whack (good bands near the top but a load of rubbish in the afternoon/early evening), whereas this year it's loads of the people i enjoyed 2 years ago like Maximo, Jamie T, Macabees etc but back higher up. Kings of Leon were EPIC twwo years ago aswell, and Radiohead and Arctic Monkeys will standardly smash it. Is my favourite headliner line up (purely because theres no metal band haha), apart from maybe the fact that Rage were so immense last year. Don't knock the lineup yet either, i'm pretty sure they've released less bands then they had this time last year, is always good music on the later released lower stages (apart from the fact that new Indie is a pile of wank at the minute). Cypress Hill are rumoured too...
  10. Haha fair play. Got a bit confused.
  11. Who me? Bit off the mark mate.
  12. 2 till about 6 is often my favourite and most productive time. But i guess it depends what kinda hobbies your into i guess. Being awake all night all the time would sure improve my graff game Then theres just drawing, driving places to take photos, listening to music, mixing music, reading etc. It's also quite fun to chip to the skatepark in that kinda hour, especially on warm summer nights when it's so hot in the day. You see alot of interesting/funny things if your sober on the streets in those hours. I honestly don't think i'd get bored.
  13. Dave that ones barely even offensive, sort it oooouuuuut.
  14. Haha, it's a minor thing but it's pretty useful. The postage company in USA, called USPS, make massive plain stickers for postage labels an you can just grab a load free in post offices. People do naughty things with them At least i assume that's what it is as i reccomended them?
  15. Haha, i know what it iiiiiiisssssss
  16. Don't act like some sort of audiophile with £15 skull candy headphones haha
  17. I'd love to try this, i'm like Doman in that i don't sleep for a long time at night, and i never get bored and would like all the drawing/taking photos/graff/riding time at night i can get. However, i know i'd just f**k it up going out on the lash. Likewise, imagine going on holiday with the lads and stuff, would kinda f**k you up in certain situations i reckon. You'll work out a routine and then something will change in your life for a week or whatever and just mess up the whole thing.
  18. To be honest i love my little older (the square one before this) shuffle. I also have an 80gb classic but still use the shuffle quite alot. I automatically autofill it from my computer so new music whenever i use it. It's kinda refreshing to not pick a song and just see what comes up, brings back old songs you love or sometimes you just get tthe right some for your mood that you wouldn't have thought of. Or you can just fill it with the same music and leave it like that, the times when i've done that for a few weeks i've learnt to navigate round the tracks effortlessly just by whacking it on shuffle, pressing skip a few times till it comes to a track fromn an artist near the one i want alphabetically, switch it to non-shuffle and then go forward/back to track. Sounds alot of effort but is pretty quick all things considered. I'm not so keen on the whole, 'it speaks to you' thing, but don't knock the idea of a shuffle as a cheap, second mp3 for riding etc
  19. I don't wear a helmet cos i'm a straight up badman!
  20. He's a bit of a dick to be honest. Suing other artists for making posters similair to his and reappropriating his work when ALL of his work does exacctly the same thing with old propaganda posters etc and barely even chanes them sometimes.
  21. I thought all the digital TVs with built in Freeview do still have the option of Analogue channels though? The one i won in a work raffle does at least. Ahh fair play, wasn't aware of that
  22. Mine occasionally jus stop working too, sometimes the guide feels like joining them in a sick day, someti9mes it doesn't. I dunno how they can force a digital switch when it's this f**king poor Feels like a step backwards to be honest.
  23. Agreed. I've heard people say 'oh but they can spy on you more easily from home'. How the f**k is anyone going to spy on you when they see the same picture of your house every time they look?
  24. Tweak: Growing Up on Chrystal Meth. A bit f**ked up and depressing but really gripping and quite sad.
  25. Like Joe says, no-one good is gonna travel from where i am to Loughborough for a commision unless it's really decent money. What is it you need? Might be able to find someone nearer to you if i got a few more details an how much you wanna spend etc? I found some maaasiiive old boards in the garage and erected them on my garden lawn as a wall while my parents are away haha. Now i dunno whether to bother going secret wars or just paint all night with a few beers and my ipod.
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