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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. The whole straight edgee discussion started in here cos you were shoutin bout it
  2. Who cares man just drink what you want That's not exactly the gayest drink either, could be worse In clubs most people drink vodka cos a pint doesn't tend to go down too well when your dancing etc.
  3. I think that's kinda the root of this whole discussion
  4. To be honest i agree with Mark as well, i'm only arguing cos i think it's stupid to push kids away from it, cos it is a good thing, health wise at least (and i like arguing). I also just think theres a line between just not drinking/doing drugs and still going out an having fun an stuff, like you obviously do, and just being a social retard and using not drinking as an excuse to not go out an stuff. I personally just happen to like getting drunk with my friends, or passing a zoot But taking the piss out of 'xxEdgexx' myspace kids is still fun
  5. Yer i guess so to an extent. But from my experience i'd say i would have easily drank as much (obviously I have higher tolerances now, but as in got drunk as often) when I was 15 or 16 as I do now, just house parties and stuff, an the one offie that always served us and didn't care. And I started drinking later than the majority in my friend group. Likewise weed was always around at the skatepark and stuff from around 14, and pills etc from about 16 (although i've never done them). Obviously not to the same extent as now, but it just seems a little stupid to almost try and bully kids out of what is a pretty good lifestyle choice (even if it's not for me ). To be honest I think edge being cool is the only way for the government to stop all this teenage binge drinking they're always banging on about.
  6. Yer but by 16 most kids have started drinking or drink has generally been around in their social groups for a fair while, from my experiences round here anyways. He definately sounds like a willy, but surely you can't put an age limit on this lifestyle choice?
  7. Try 'GraffCity.com' or 'FatBuddhaStore.com' for that MTN. Or ebay is pretty good sometimes.
  8. Bring on the next generation of the TF tape measure.
  9. Definately a little monkey swinging about in the rainforest.
  10. Do it, do it, do it. Mainly for the shits n giggles.
  11. Yer the doctor was pretty confident i had it. But i only went kinda after the main phase of it an like Adam said it's not 100% confirmed. Was just like a standard cold with a bit of headache an shit, i just assumed it was a standard holiday comedown so swanned off to NASS during the worst phase of it
  12. Max Quinn

    Hip Hop.

    Yer but alot of that's gangsta' rap rubbish, whatever coast it's coming from
  13. Max Quinn

    Hip Hop.

    Yer I just love the Deadringer album so much I couldn't not put them in seperately. Oh an you seen Atmosphere's released another free lil mixtape? It's called 'Leak At Will', just 7 tracks but some pretty sick stuff. Haha it's cool man. I don't use MSN much anymore but I got you on facebook for one reason or another so probably better to hit me up there
  14. Does no-one else get annoyed by this constant attempt to 'be one of the lads'?
  15. Max Quinn

    Hip Hop.

    I figure i'll give you a decent ttrack from each artist so you can easily see which ones you like. This list barely scratches the surface trust me, but listen to this stuff an if you come back to me with the kinda styles you like in here (it's pretty varied) then we can go into more depth Aesop Rock- No Regrets Bare Beats- Keep Me Awake Blueprint- Inner City Native Son Chain of Command- Not in My Name Dirty Diggers- For the Haters Eyedea and Abilities- Now Foreign Beggars- Reach Out (one of the most legendary producers in HH)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NsubSJ_BQU Jehst- Alcoholic Author http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cOA0v5VFo0&feature=PlayList&p=9C7909E13E819725&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=50 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB0zt8p9Wgw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3cI-4RGfZM L. Man- Children In Need (although most of his stuff is a bit more grimey) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRkLvN-yTys Lightheaded- Eye to Eye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFs-jV2pE2U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k0N8g7OknU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT08VeiucMg Pete Philly & Perquisite- Motivated Pharoahe Monch- Desire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-3iNypOkfE (RJD2 is producer, Blueprint emcees this track) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjIcga4Afrg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo8UTo_MeZ8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvBmr_b-Rpg Taskforce- Freedom Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-mT1OGwLvc You got a rapidshare account fish? Catch me on msn/facebook/pm or whatever an i'll provide you with some amazing hip hop threads, i'm talking hundreds of pages of rapidshare links haha.
  16. Oh i'd write down all of my thoughts in a notepad the whole day as well. So that when i'm a boy again I can try an work out why girls minds are so messed up.
  17. I'd definately spend a day at a girls only school jus to see how wierd it is. An start loads of rumours among them about how big the boy me's schlong is.
  18. Me an my mate found a weekend ticket last year. She used her charm to sell it for lots of money and we split it Was lucky cos I went to the festival with only £5. Only problem is, woke up in the morning and found out one of my mates had lost a ticket that was for anotherm ate who was coming the next day
  19. Same here, I went to NASS apparantly during my main bad and contagous phase thinking it was just a cold and standard after holiday comedown, so i've probably given it to the whole extreme sports population Round Watford they've stopped even giving Tamiflu to normal cases, the doctor I saw admitted that Watford is absolutely swarming with it but it's not that bad at all. There's no point trying to contain it now and normal people will get over it pretty quick so they're saving their Tamiflu for the elderly, young kids and generally more vulnerable people.
  20. Precisely haha, man you need to actually sell some stuff before you go ordering another 300 bikes from cube
  21. No offence here, but surely that just makes for a cluttered shop that looks crap, is less practical, and is less of a pleasure to shop in?
  22. Just take the minimal and keep them on your body. I always take shorts that have a zip pocket down the leg somewhere. What i do is take a shit old phone (guaranteed i ALWAYS lose a phone), wallet an thats all you need valuables wise. Then the only stuff in your tent is clothes, alcohol an food. Don't bother with padlocks on your tent or anything, cos it just makes it a target as it looks like it will have valuables in it, and it's not exactly hard for a thief to get in anyways. This is at Reading, but meh, same thing. EDIT: From that picture above, Leeds looks well different/less rammo then Reading.
  23. That sucks Wonder why Reading have turned into such dicks about it
  24. Yer, so am i right in saying that at Leeds you can just buy an early bird as a seperate transaction to your main ticket for a tenner or whatever? Same way you've always bought them?
  25. I think it's kinda police descretion? As in they could find something to do you for if they wanted (lights, reflectors, drunk and disorderly etc). But it makes playing drunken shark attack along the way alot harder EDIT: I once rode head on into a lampost when drunkenly riding home
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