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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Yer haha, i can remember you still owe me a mars bar for winning Was yeeeaaarrsss ago.
  2. It's like the forward roll contest (which i would like to say i took by storm ) all over again haha.
  3. Ah ok, score. I'm still gonna f**k off upstairs for a mix before the meaning of it changes to what i originally thought though haha.
  4. Is that a power off button haha? Probably a good idea. Sooorryy moderator Maaaarrrkk :$
  5. No offence, but that isn't alot even to me and i've just come out of school. So please don't brag about it like that Even if it was alot, it still makes you sound like a spanner. Oh and your 18 right? Why are you going on about 'proper' women and all this crap? A fit, 'proper' women isn't gonna be into you, so crawl out of your arse and stop thinking your above girls your own age. </drunken harshness>
  6. I might come into London after work at 4 and come down to Portsmouth/Reading actually. Could be a laugh. If anyone starting in London or otherwise wants a lift for that bit, speak up. EDIT: Ahhh shit maybe i wont haha, leavers ball on the monday eve
  7. I love how you actually sound really serious about this poll Joe, we always take the piss out of my mate for sitting/standing with his feet pointed in like that, so you loose my vote
  8. Ahhh man For a minute there i thought we had something much more groundbreaking on our hands.
  9. Wait, hold up. Have i missed something here? What type of Maher juice are we talking?
  10. Basically, Mark fancies him and thinks he should be there. I think we should all vote Glen just so Dave and Joe feel like killing themselves
  11. That's kinda the point of the joke And why I still find that whole episode hilarious.
  12. Most likely to be found dead outside of an amphitheatre: Everyone other than Deonn H and 'the posse'.
  13. TF's least likely to keep work and social life seperate: PC Plod TF's most likely to get arrested and put in prison due to evidence of dangerous driving picked up through this very forum: Hendrix
  14. Nail on the head. If i'm playing a console game (very rarely) it's cos i'm being lazy with my mates and a few beers, chatting and just casually playing. I don't wanna be having to jump all around the room, and i'm sure most of the lazy people who spend all their lives on consoles don't either It is amazing though.
  15. The thing with sites that sell fakes is tthat the trainers don't even arrive half time time. There's millions of sites set up claiming to have shoes which they dont, you pay them and they simply send nothing. They're generally pretty shit quality too, not good for riding, not comfy, bad soles etc. Plus I personally just would rather support the actual company, but that's your call.
  16. I don't mean to piss on your bonfire, but it's pretty likely they're fake. Jus sayin. What was the name of the site?
  17. That actually made you sound about 80 years old.
  18. We didn't wanna see the injuries, just your balls
  19. Oh my gosh, i've been thinking that was you turned into a retard
  20. I saw the title of this thread, and instantly knew it would be from Dave
  21. Why are you inside a little tube?
  22. Speak to Mike (The Scientist) about flats, and generally Brighton. He's around there and keeps posting stuff on his facebook about looking for flatmates
  23. Max Quinn


    Ahh yer, but i'm talking like, the kind of heroic lie like that website would have been that will mean he can't possibly dispute the fact that everything that comes out of his mouth smells like poo in a field. Edit: Whooaaa, too many 'that's haha.
  24. Max Quinn


    Hhhmm, he will slip up soon my brothers
  25. No but i know your 15, and every post from you has been complete bullshit so far. So i do know something about you yes.
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