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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Hearing beautiful liquid from Spor makes a nice change. Just shows how epicly talented he is as a producer to be able to smash two completely opposite ends of d&b. Hypin for the ep this is on to come out on promo this week! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7BtCxD6lXk&feature=player_embedded
  2. Besides, death has no need for grammar.
  3. I kinda got caught up over the last few hours drawing the most emo looking blackbook page ever. "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." J. Robert Oppenheimer
  4. Before my manuals in real life 'clicked' I used to have them all the time, then as soon as manuals clicked I either got hang 5 or nose manual dreams. Grass is always greener I guess
  5. Harry Potter is such an unrealistic film. I mean, a ginger kid with 2 friends?

  6. Lies Or maybe I'd just make sure you're mum never got impregnated.
  7. If you haven't signed for it, it hasn't been delivered. I'd claim on the insurance eeevvery time haha
  8. Big! One of the members of Dexcell (there's 3) is from Watford and is a mate of a mate that plays the night my mate runs all the time. Watched them start to make serious moves with their music and it's sick to see them starting to get a name for themselves. Well worth checking out their soundcloud for mixes and tunes from them. Their remix of Snow Patrol- Third Bar Fire is incredible!
  9. All's well that ends well. And ending as the star of a hit tv show with a cult following is definately a nice ending haha
  10. Mate if you do stay at mine ima force d&b into your ears so hard haha Oh an everyone check this while we're on a good vibe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5ynx4fJWv0
  11. Beautiful. Hip Hop x d&b is definately a good sound right now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqvWtxE3xOY
  12. But why don't you just do ecstacy till they find out, and let other people be the guinea pigs An to be fair I've already seen people f**k themselves up a fair bit from mkat, but that might just be because it's legal so they think it doesn't matter that they're waking up to a like i guess.
  13. Phwoaaah mate that's a big claim when your looking at chubby cheeks up there (don't get me wrong she is still fit haha) Edit: oh an i knew the one you posted is Emily or whatever, just aiming it at everyone saying her an her lesbian chum are the only reasons to watch it
  14. f**k legalities, at least real drugs have been around a bit longer and people know the effects just a little bit more. While I stay off it all other than green an beer that doesn't mean I'm not around just bout every drug enough to know which are good an which aren't. When people are on Meph you can visible see them either itching to chain smoke, buy another drink or do another key, hence why it's addictive as f**k. Dunno about you but baaare of my lot say it's kind of an uncomfortable high in that way rather than a euphoric one. I love watching people caught with meph try and tell bouncers it's legal
  15. Mate to be fair that video made her fitter for me. I'm a 19 year old lad I don't really want a sophisticated 'woman' an all this bullshit, she looks fit and fun. When she took that first bite of the munch an her face all scrunched up- YES! Oh and everyone does realise that Effy bird is in Skins right?
  16. So I worked for 22 hours pretty much solid, and then managed to miss my deadline. I'm the biggest muppet ever. An yer meph's a shit drug.
  17. I've been working pretty much solid since 7pm last night, and will probably be working till my deadline at half 3pm. Loooooong. Thank f**k for Vodka Red Bulls, Chocolate Pancakes, Reggae, Liquid and Fabio's show from 4am till 6.
  18. That's funny I'm just throwing them at people.
  19. We just made enough mixture for 60 pancakes. It's gonna be a loooonng night full of as many fillings as you can possibly think of
  20. Only certain people are allowed. The mods have to like you and assign permission to your account, then obviously just don't like you
  21. Siiiicckkkk night at the pub for a mates birthday. Toast and maple syrup just now made me feel amazing, but allow having to wake up at 9 for uni shit.
  22. I get pulled literally aalll the time, simply because I'm always playing hip hop/d&b and my car is stickered up and generally looks a bit dodgy. They always give some bullshit excuse like 'just checking for insurance' and then try an search the whole car an shit As if you can't do that without even stopping me. Is good fun f**king about with them and pretending I'm well scared of them searching my car even when there's nothing bad in it though
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