Kinda on the lights note, in our house we've got loads of lights that are operated by 2 seperate switches (one at top of stairs, one of bottom for example). This means that the switches aren't always the same way, so sometimes the light will be on when technically the top switch is in the 'off' position (cos it's been turned on by the bottom switch). I like having them both operating to the standard way of switching, but then again I'm too lazy to actually run up and down the stairs doing anything about it, I'd just prefer it if it worked out.
I do this but with a bit of a twist. It's basically a game I developed when I was younger where if a car goes past on the road, you have to be behind something (eg: lamp post, car) so that it can't 'shoot' you. However, somewhere along the line I got bored of always losing so I started instead imagining that parked cars, lamp posts etc are sentry guns, and you want to try and be behind them when a car goes past so that you can shoot the car. This means you can never lose the game, only miss the opportunity to shoot cars
Long story short, I still do it. Usually only casually but I've definitely been spotted making wierd little dashes for cover by a fair few pedestrians. I especially have fun with it when I'm lean walking to the shops, I must look a right state