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Max Quinn

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Everything posted by Max Quinn

  1. Nice one jonny! Really smooth sequences. The one where it suddenly went to the back of the car tripped me out, looks kinda like you're going the wrong way Check at 2:56 on the bottom of the screen man.
  2. JD: I'm no graphic designer but I have done in the past and would like to think I've got a general eye for design. Not a fan at all man Sorry. Reaallly not liking the shadow, just looks amateurish and the kind of thing word art would do. As for the text, I'd stay away from outlines and fills, just have a solid colour. I like the orange and white colour scheme, but I think it works a lot better with white background and orange text. On the back, those orange bullet points look irrelevant unless the text is butted up a bit closer to them. Sorry to be harsh or whatever, but this is you're business at the end of the day, maybe think about paying one of the designers on here a small fee to do them?
  3. Fair enough! I like the quote but I'd love to know what was going through the head of whoever made that image.
  4. Luke why would anyone think a picture of a cat is relevant to those words? I do that as well, but always try and peel it so I've got just the veins.
  5. Yer I can play you're geeky game too
  6. Ear wars! Who was the first to stretch them? Who's the true trendsetter? Tune in a bit later to find out!
  7. Balancing on the edge of the curb as well and walking the whole road like that as well Basically I just find walking boring so I'm always doing stupid shit to spice it up.
  8. Kinda on the lights note, in our house we've got loads of lights that are operated by 2 seperate switches (one at top of stairs, one of bottom for example). This means that the switches aren't always the same way, so sometimes the light will be on when technically the top switch is in the 'off' position (cos it's been turned on by the bottom switch). I like having them both operating to the standard way of switching, but then again I'm too lazy to actually run up and down the stairs doing anything about it, I'd just prefer it if it worked out. I do this but with a bit of a twist. It's basically a game I developed when I was younger where if a car goes past on the road, you have to be behind something (eg: lamp post, car) so that it can't 'shoot' you. However, somewhere along the line I got bored of always losing so I started instead imagining that parked cars, lamp posts etc are sentry guns, and you want to try and be behind them when a car goes past so that you can shoot the car. This means you can never lose the game, only miss the opportunity to shoot cars Long story short, I still do it. Usually only casually but I've definitely been spotted making wierd little dashes for cover by a fair few pedestrians. I especially have fun with it when I'm lean walking to the shops, I must look a right state
  9. Max Quinn

    Tf Nostalgia

    I was just about to say that one! If only good old plod was still here to keep our forum free of confessions, and just about anything fun
  10. isn't facebook enough?

  11. Max Quinn

    Tf Nostalgia

    I always thought they were the same person for a while if I'm honest. Edit: Oh an Hijacking the wiki page of the 'exclusive' LNC chat just to rile them was always fun, as was posting before 2am.
  12. Max Quinn

    Tf Nostalgia

    Was just about to say. The famous 'Amphitheater Showdown'! Shameless self plug, but I'm obviously gonna remember stuff more when I'm involved in it haha. Whoever it was that got well worked up cos I told them I'd rang the police for dangerous driving when they brake checked some rude boy and caused a crash. Edit: good thread by the way
  13. What a helpful young man.
  14. Natty sections within you're ability surely would do in a massive way though. Same for generally hard street riding on objects you're more comfortable on so you don't have to stop.
  15. One for the business card heads.
  16. I don't even wanna be reminded of that disgrace. I was listening on the radio in the car in the middle of a festival car park, with a load of rastaman who didn't seem to realise the football was even on wandering about giving me funny looks for swearing at the radio at the top of my voice.
  17. Can't be of much help but from what Jonny's saying about Myspace, maybe give SoundCloud a good search, mainly electronic music but some amazing unsigned producers on there that I'm sure would be happy for the exposure.
  18. I tend to skip talking and go for the stealth approach
  19. Haha cheers man, music is life pretty much Looots more goodness. Look for their recent (and debut) album, 'EQ'. Nice sleeve and general production on the cd and packaging so if you're into buying music I'd recommend it.
  20. Never win if you don't try will you lads.
  21. Randomly got chatting to these guys at Beach Break and ended up having the fattest Queens English vs Revelation 5 a side game of footy with a pretty big crowd haha, was immense. Headed over to their set later and was pleasantly surprised so copped their album and it's actually massive! Any hip hop heads have a listen! An this one, since when can I only post one youtube video per post?
  22. You seen Ong Bak? Go as the bad guy from that who turns up on one of those motorised scooter type things with loads of men in black suits and sun glasses escorting you and taking away you're scooter to put it on ice.
  23. My mate who I'm living with next year just got a Chinese Water Dragon. Sickest thing ever! Makes me want a lizard again though
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