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About Urpedigreechumdog

  • Birthday 12/25/2004

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    Echo Hifi

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    Windows media player ambiance.
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Trials Elite

Trials Elite (6/9)



  1. Urpedigreechumdog

    Onza T-Rex

  2. Options white hot choc, smarties cookies and mmm my favourite animal bites These 3 flavours will last 3 weeks, yum yum.
  3. I mean that it would be an ideal situation for you, not too much damage to your wallet. He went to a brokers yard and sorted it himself, i think they did the work too. Point taken by Mike, my way would be ideal to sort your own car out. If he is a patient man who'd wait for you to ring round brokers yards and if he is happy to take a good condition second hand bumper.... Which he probably doesn't. Has he said that he wants a garage to do it? Got any mates that work in garages?
  4. If you go to a breakers and you are lucky enough to find a bumper of the same colour then you are laughing. My mate swerved his rover into a ploughed field and f**ked the front bumper which only cost £25 to replace + fitting which was £40something. A rear bumper can't be much more than that £50..
  5. The one's i can remember are: Burnt out cars put on the cricket pitch Cricket pavillion painted pink amd sun block thingys painted red Somehow they managed to get a techers car on top of the science block one year School covered in general shitty graffiti Meh, will add more if i remember...
  6. Is it bad that i don't feel guilty laughing at that?
  7. "Whiteboy's ain't got no soul nigger! They don't deserve award's"...(Stevie Wonder).
  8. Yeah, might be worth meeting up with jake (Ingram) to show you the riding spots cos they're spread about and could be hard to find if you've not been before.
  9. I have a tortoise, more unusual than exotic though.
  10. - Alxyrte cumt flap - "NEWSFLASH" All muslims / pakis and other foreigners have apologised and are going home. They're repaying all the benefits they had and are giving up their homes!! (carlsberg don't send text messages, but if they did, this would probably be the best message in the world.) - Calltime loaded. Your new balance is £10.00.
  11. That doesn't mean much to me, i know f-all about computers. i'm best off taking it to the computer shop round the corner. Cheers anyway.
  12. 'lo all, i was wondering if there is a way to getting around the bluw screen of death without losing all my coursework / music etc on my pc? When i start the pc up, it loads as normal for a while then goes to a blue screen which says some crap about hitting F8 and going to safe mode. I've followed all the instructions and it keeps coming back to that screen. Any ideas? Please help! I need my pc to be working tomorrow cos i'm not at college over the weekend so will be pc - less. Thankeryouall!
  13. There's no if's and but's in Urpedigreechumdog's game. I won £39 on a scratch card and travelled to Peterborough on train for 15 mins No word of a lie
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