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Everything posted by rocktrials

  1. Yup, drunken football, got thrown backwards and my foot stayed still whilst my leg twisted, then a 1mile walk home :/ Healed super fine though
  2. Awesome rock-y song: Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  3. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  4. EWAN DOBSON IS THE SHIT Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  5. Think yourself lucky, rain rain rain always here.
  6. my mate just did like 18 months in NZ, worked on a dairy farm, said was equivalent pay of like £30k per year. or that's what he was offered to stay longer. me and gf went out with like 1k each, converted into 2.5k aussie dollars. but we had free food/rent/utilities from gf's auntie and uncle which was nicest thing ever.
  7. Spent a year in Australia 2007-2008. Had a working holiday visa. Worked 4 months on the Great Barrier Reef - an island - and travelled quite a lot. Went with my girlfriend, and she has close family over there who gave us base camp etc. With your trade, I bet you could find work easily, building trade is massive over there, and all the mines need workers. I'd love to go back. On the visa thing....we were under the impression that once you have had a one year working holiday visa, you can't get another, unless, you do 3 months rural work (fruit picking etc) and then that allows you to get another years as you're helping the country etc. Now....I love travelling Since July '09, I moved to Southern Ireland to work for a games company which is f****** brilliant and amazing experience. Giving me the opportunity to travel more too.
  8. rocktrials

    Akmal Shaikh

    shouldn't touch drugs in the first place.gg
  9. rocktrials


    Hope I can fly back home monday!
  10. just doesnt budge off connecting for me.
  11. how long does it take to connect?
  12. Maaaan I cream'd. My p38 at home. Have an acoustic with me in Ireland.
  13. errrr? I started quiz and jumped straight to page 8 with my first try
  14. rocktrials


    Random shots hey.... Not snowing in Cork (doubt it will do anything apart from rain) but I have this picture from earlier in the year... JELUZ
  15. First half of year was quite crap, 3 day working week until april, then lost my job, dole for 2months, then got a job opportunity with a huge gaming company and got to move country, and earning $$$, living with a mate in a sweet apartment, Loving it!!!
  16. I dont wanna lose weight and be a skinny bitch....I was lose the flab and turn it into muscle Anyway, we walk for like 40mins to get to gym which is good. Following ISO2's advice bout the 8 x4 =32
  17. Youtube Video -> Original Video Youtube Video -> Original Video
  18. Should I be doing treadmill/ x trainer/rower/bikes? All in one session or just one per session and how long for?
  19. So what do you reccomend doing at the gym, what kind of things for how long etc? Will be swimming as well to help.
  20. Sounds good....what I want....to lose belly/fat and tone up. Doing gym with a mate too. Our work pattern is worst thing. Working Thurs-Sat 10-10 then Sun is 10-6. So mon/tues/wed fully off, and have the opportunity to head to gym before work in a morning and after work on sunday. First is lose the belly, then work on toning up.
  21. Yo, I wanna get in shape....past five months been working for a games company, so long hours in office. Now just signed up to Gym today (yet no water as city is flooded - so can't swim/shower) But gym open. Now i weight about 13st 7. Im about 6ft 1 and have a belly. Need to get rid of weight and tone up. Hardest thing is long hours at office mean, unless i make food at home, shit food usually. Hilfe.
  22. back and forth for the past week between mw2 and wow
  23. I was pretty lucky, came back from Oz last year in August and picked up a local warehouse job. After Christmas, it was 3 day working weeks, and then by April, no job.... Jobless for over 2 months, and then an awesome opportunity came along, and now i'm living on my own in another country. Hated being jobless, and I have friends with no jobs/careers and I do feel sorry for them cos there is nothing out there.
  24. possibly a DSi with some games...she says she just wants me home for christmas, which of course I will be. Plus, possibly taking her to Disneyland end of Jan >.<
  25. purchased 2 copies for the PC from the UK today @ gamestation.
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